Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Becker Bunch 4/16/10

”Honor your father and your mother…” Exodus 20:12
April 16, 2010
Spelling-Sight word review!!
you, and, can, look, like, went, my, the, play

Reading-Story of the week:You can’t smell a flower with your ear!
Keep reading at home each night and make sure your child is recording the book on his/her reading log! When everyone has read 100 books, we will have a pizza party! BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE BOOKS YOU ARE READING AT HOME!!!

Writing-Author Study:We will be reading different Bible stories this week.
We will work on using rhyme this week. This will lead into a unit on writing poetry. That we will start the following week.

Math-We will still be working on money. We will have a math test over Chapter 22 on Wednesday, April 21.
We are at the point in first grade where all numbers should be written correctly. Numbers written backwards will be counted wrong. I’m hoping this will be an incentive for the kids to really pay attention to their work.

Religion-We will begin Chapter 9- Jesus Died and Rose to New Life- this chapter will talk about how Jesus taught people God’s word, and loved us so much he died for us.
Social Studies-American Heritage program. Calling all moms and dads!! I need all hands on deck Monday around 1:15 to help get everyone ready for the program.

Things of Note:


Our American Heritage Program is scheduled for April 19 at 2:00 pm in the auditorium.

We will continue testing on Monday and Tuesday.

Midterms will come out next Tuesday. Check Edline for midterm grades.