Friday, February 26, 2010

Becker Bunch News 2/26/10

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”- 1 John 4:9

February 26, 2010

Spelling- born, for, horse, porch, short, sport, storm
challenge word: today

Reading-Story of the week:Ring!Ring!Ring! Put out the fire!
Keep reading at home each night and make sure your child is recording the book on his/her reading log! When everyone has read 100 books, we will have a pizza party! BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE BOOKS YOU ARE READING AT HOME!!!

Writing-Author Study: We will be reading different Bible stories this week.
We will be going through the Writing process together this week, and learn how to use a checklist on the stories we are writing.

Math- We will continue our unit on measurement. We will measure with inches and centimeters this week. We will have a measurement test on Monday, March 8.

Religion- We will make Stations of the Cross booklets.

Science- This week, we will learn about Water, Air, and how living things are resources.

Things of Note:

Don’t forget! 10 bonus points for attending Stations of the Cross! 6pm at IC Church


Have you attending a small group meeting at someone’s house? If you are not scheduled to attend one, please call the school office to sign up for one. Everyone’s voice is important!
Thank you to everyone who helped make our Spaghetti Dinner a huge success!

Our next big school project will be the Spring Festival. It takes each and every family to make this endeavor successful. The festival is the schools biggest “fundraiser”- raising $300 PER student! Please watch Tuesday folders for any notes pertaining to the Spring Festival, and be as generous as you can with volunteering or supporting the festival monetarily. Each family will be required to work one shift per child at the festival, so mark your calendars for May 7-8!! If you are new to our school- the Spring Festival is always a great time! The kids (and adults) love it!