Monday, November 1, 2010

Becker Bunch News Oct 29

“The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of the Lord stands forever.” 1 Peter 1: 24-25

October 29, 2010

Spelling- when, why, what, who, where Sight word: have

Reading Story of the week:The Bug Bath
We are still working on listening to ourselves as we read to see if what we are saying makes sense and looks right. If it does not, we will work on going back to the beginning of the sentence and rereading.


Author Study this week: We will be reading from the Old Testament in the Bible this week.
We will be working on making sure our stories have a beginning, middle, and end.

Math- This week, I will be teaching the children a new strategy to help them understand how subtraction works. It is called Touch Math. Look in the folder for the worksheet pages this week. Keep practicing those flash cards!

Chapter 25 Test on Friday, November 5 We will learn about saints and why our church honors them.

Social Studies We will begin our first unit in Social Studies this week. We will be learning about Early Americans, and other Cultures.

Things of Note:
Reading Review due by the following Friday. Reading Reviews are now worth 10 points each week.

Mass has been moved back to Friday.

Homework each night: Read a book
at home every night!!

Flu shot clinic will be held at IC on November 3rd.

Life Teen will be sponsoring a car wash during the 5:00 pm, 10:00 am, and noon masses on October 30-31. All donations will benefit the teens of our parish. Look for the flyer in the bulletin this weekend.