Saturday, October 23, 2010

Becker Bunch News Oct 21

“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes
to Him must believe that He exists and that
He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

October 21, 2010

Spelling- she, shed, ship, shop, shot, shut Sight word: play

Story of the week: One Good Pup
We are working on listening to ourselves as we read to see if what we are saying makes sense and looks right. If it does not, we will work on going back to the beginning of the sentence and rereading.

Author Study this week: We will be reading pumpkin and Halloween books this week. We will be working on rereading our stories to make sure they make sense.

Math-Chapter 3 Test on Thursday,10-28.We are still working on beginning subtraction this week. Please make or buy subtraction flashcards and review these each day. Memorization of the facts makes it so much easier for the children.

Religion- We will have a Rosary test on Monday, October 25. Please look at the Rosary Test Review sheet.

Science- We are studying pumpkins this week.

Things of Note:
Reading Review due by the following Friday. Reading Reviews are now worth 10 points each week.

I hope you will be able to join us for the Halloween party on Friday, October 29. Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Smith have some fun things planned for us!

Congrats to Claire Testa and Austin Hughes for being the first grade winners of the pumpkin decorating contest!!

Homework each night: Read a book at home every night!!

Flu shot clinic will be held at IC on November 3rd.

Life Teen will be sponsoring a car wash during the 5:00 pm, 10:00 am, and noon masses on October 30-31. All donations will benefit the teens of our parish. Look for the flyer in the bulletin this weekend.