Friday, May 7, 2010

Becker bunch News 5/7/10

“Be kind and compassionate to one another...” Ephesians 4:32

May 7, 2010

Spelling- feet, green, seem, three, dream, leaf, read, seat, teach
Sight word: little

Reading-story of the week: A Friend for Little Bear
Pizza party will be May 12 at 1:45 for the entire class!! Good job!!

Writing- We are still working on poetry and having lots of fun!!!! We are working on noticing the differences between stories and poems, and using rhymes and repetition.

Math- We will be learning some Geometry this week. We will learn about solid figures, faces and vertices, and plane shapes.

Religion- We will begin a chapter about caring for the gifts of God’s creation

Social Studies-We have finished our unit over our Country, and will begin learning about Arkansas History.

Things of Note:

It’s festival weekend!!! I hope to see you all there working your shift and enjoying time with your family!