Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AR Book List

Check Edline for a complete list of books

AR book list


Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Leo Lionni 0 0.5

The Christmas Star Marcus Pfister 0 0.5

Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors Norman Bridwell 0 0.5

Clifford's Birthday Party Norman Bridwell 0 0.5

Clifford's Tricks Norman Bridwell 0 0.5

Clifford the Small Red Puppy Norman Bridwell 0 0.5

Dog Heaven Cynthia Rylant 0 0.5

The Greedy Triangle Marilyn Burns 0 0.5

Harry the Dirty Dog Gene Zion 0 0.5

Kick, Pass, and Run Leonard Kessler 0 0.5

Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Charlotte Zolotow 0 0.5

My Five Senses Aliki 0 0.5

Peter's Chair Ezra Jack Keats 0 0.5

The Rainbow Fish Marcus Pfister 0 0.5

Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! Marcus Pfister 0 0.5

Snowshoe Thompson Nancy Smiler Levinson 0 0.5

The Tale of Peter Rabbit Beatrix Potter 0 0.5

A Tree Is Nice Janice May Udry 0 0.5

Tunnels Gail Gibbons 0 0.5

Whistle for Willie Ezra Jack Keats 0 0.5

The Lazy Pig Beverley Randell 0.3 0.5

Tom Is Brave Beverley Randell 0.3 0.5

Baby Lamb's First Drink Beverley Randell 0.4 0.5

Hedgehog is Hungry Beverley Randell 0.4 0.5

The Little Snowman Jenny Giles 0.4 0.5

My Fish (MH Edition) Ben Farrell 0.4 0.5

Pig Digs! (MH Edition) Della Cohen 0.4 0.5

Can You Play? Harriet M. Ziefert 0.5 0.5

Gab and Sam (MH Edition) Susan Blackaby 0.5 0.5

Jax and the Van (MH Edition) Jane Shaffer 0.5 0.5

Lucky Bear Joan Phillips 0.5 0.5

Lucky Goes to Dog School Beverley Randell 0.5 0.5

Max, the Cat (MH Edition) Ann Morris 0.5 0.5

What Day Is It? Patti Trimble 0.5 0.5

The Foot Book Dr. Seuss 0.6 0.5

Grandma's Cat Helen Ketteman 0.6 0.5

My Dog's the Best! (MH Edition) Stephanie Calmenson 0.6 0.5

The Path on the Map (MH Edition) Jean Marzollo 0.6 0.5

Ships (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 0.6 0.5

Big? (MH Edition) Rachel Lear 0.7 0.5

The Big Sun (MH Edition) Michael Maia 0.7 0.5

A Birthday Cake for Ben Beverley Randell 0.7 0.5

The Box Constance Andrea Keremes 0.7 0.5

Catch Me, Catch Me! Rev. W. Awdry 0.7 0.5

Dinosaur Garden Liza Donnelly 0.7 0.5

I Went Walking (MH Edition) Sue Williams 0.7 0.5

One Good Pup (MH Edition) Frank Asch 0.7 0.5

The Pup and the Cat (MH Edition) Elizabeth King 0.7 0.5

Quack (MH Edition) Judi Barrett 0.7 0.5

Take My Picture! Harriet M. Ziefert 0.7 0.5

Where's the Cat? (MH Edition) Blackstone/Harter 0.7 0.5

The Baby Bunny Margaret Hillert 0.8 0.5

Ben's Treasure Hunt Beverley Randell 0.8 0.5

A Big, Big Pig (MH Edition) Andrea Katz 0.8 0.5

Brave Father Mouse Beverley Randell 0.8 0.5

Cam and Luck (MH Edition) Gary Apple 0.8 0.5

Fire! Fire! Beverley Randell 0.8 0.5

The Flower Girl Jenny Giles 0.8 0.5

Great Day for Up! Dr. Seuss 0.8 0.5

Kim is Sick (MH Edition) Emily Thompson 0.8 0.5

Molly Ruth Shaw Radlauer 0.8 0.5

The New Baby Beverley Randell 0.8 0.5

Sitting in My Box (MH Edition) Dee Lillegard 0.8 0.5

Sleepy Dog Harriet M. Ziefert 0.8 0.5

Tabby in the Tree Beverley Randell 0.8 0.5

What Can Meg Do? (MH Edition) Susan Hood 0.8 0.5

Where Is Hannah? Annette Smith 0.8 0.5

Whose Footprints? (MH Edition) Masayuki Yabuuchi 0.8 0.5

And I Mean It, Stanley Crosby Bonsall 0.9 0.5

Baby Bear Goes Fishing Beverley Randell 0.9 0.5

A Bath for Mick (MH Edition) Jeanette Mara 0.9 0.5

Ben's Dad Beverley Randell 0.9 0.5

Biscuit and the Baby Alyssa Satin Capucilli 0.9 0.5

Biscuit Goes to School Alyssa Satin Capucilli 0.9 0.5

Biscuit Wants to Play Alyssa Satin Capucilli 0.9 0.5

Choosing a Puppy Jenny Giles 0.9 0.5

Happy Easter, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 0.9 0.5

Help for Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 0.9 0.5

Late for Soccer Jenny Giles 0.9 0.5

The Lion and the Rabbit Beverley Randell 0.9 0.5

Loose Tooth Lola M. Schaefer 0.9 0.5

Molly Goes Hiking Ruth Shaw Radlauer 0.9 0.5

No More TV, Sleepy Dog Harriet M. Ziefert 0.9 0.5

Seagull Is Clever Beverley Randell 0.9 0.5

Teasing Dad Annette Smith 0.9 0.5

Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Joan Phillips 0.9 0.5

A Vet (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 0.9 0.5

Watch Where You Go Sally Noll 0.9 0.5

What Does Pig Do? (MH Edition) Angela Shelf Medearis 0.9 0.5

Baby Hippo Beverley Randell 1 0.5

Bat Helps Out (MH Edition) Ellen Dreyer 1 0.5

The Best Castle Ever Harriet Ziefert 1 0.5

Biscuit's New Trick Alyssa Satin Capucilli 1 0.5

The Bunny Hop Teddy Slater 1 0.5

The Cave (MH Edition) Sol Andrews 1 0.5

The Chick That Wouldn't Hatch Claire Daniel 1 0.5

A Dozen Dogs Harriet M. Ziefert 1 0.5

Father Bear Goes Fishing Beverley Randell 1 0.5

Hermit Crab Beverley Randell 1 0.5

I Love My Daddy Because... Laurel Porter-Gaylord 1 0.5

Jumping Day Barbara Juster Esbensen 1 0.5

Lost at the Fun Park Annette Smith 1 0.5

Magpie's Baking Day Beverley Randell 1 0.5

My New Boy Joan Phillips 1 0.5

A Pet for Max (MH Edition) Cynthia Benjamin 1 0.5

After the Flood Jenny Giles 1.1 0.5

The B. Bears and the Spooky Old Tree Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.1 0.5

Baby Bear's Present Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

The Babysitter Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

Bathtime for Biscuit Alyssa Satin Capucilli 1.1 0.5

Ben's Tooth Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

The Best Cake Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

Big Brother Little Brother (MH Edition) Penny Dale 1.1 0.5

Birthday Balloons Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

Chug the Tractor Jenny Giles 1.1 0.5

The Clever Penguins Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

Come on, Tim Jenny Giles 1.1 0.5

Cows in the Garden Beverley Randell 1.1 0.5

Dig for Clams (MH Edition) Paula Oliver 1.1 0.5

Freddie's Spaghetti Charlotte Doyle 1.1 0.5

Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster! Felice Haus 1.1 0.5

Happy Birthday, Thomas! Rev. W. Awdry 1.1 0.5

I Hate Boots Harriet M. Ziefert 1.1 0.5

Ice Cream Soup Gail Herman 1.1 0.5

Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Dr. Seuss 1.1 0.5

Snug Bug Cathy East Dubowski 1.1 0.5

So Sick! Harriet M. Ziefert 1.1 0.5

Thomas and the School Trip Rev. W. Awdry 1.1 0.5

The B. Bears Ready, Get Set, Go! Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.2 0.5

Babar's Picnic Laurent de Brunhoff 1.2 0.5

Blackberries Beverley Randell 1.2 0.5

A Box of Bugs (MH Edition) Clark Maxwell 1.2 0.5

The Bug Bath (MH Edition) Anne Miranda 1.2 0.5

Cave Boy Cathy East Dubowski 1.2 0.5

Clifford the Big Red Dog Norman Bridwell 1.2 0.5

In the Lake (MH Edition) Gary Apple 1.2 0.5

Just a New Neighbor Gina/Mercer Mayer 1.2 0.5

Kent and Glen (MH Edition) Anne Miranda 1.2 0.5

Leo the Late Bloomer Robert Kraus 1.2 0.5

Little Bulldozer Beverley Randell 1.2 0.5

Milton the Early Riser Robert Kraus 1.2 0.5

Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Baby Sister Martha Alexander 1.2 0.5

Pets (MH Edition) Jessica Clerk 1.2 0.5

Sally's Friends Beverley Randell 1.2 0.5

Sheep out to Eat Nancy Shaw 1.2 0.5

Soccer at the Park Jenny Giles 1.2 0.5

Three Little Kittens Lorianne Siomades 1.2 0.5

Two Tests (MH Edition) Becky Gold 1.2 0.5

Wake Up, Sun David Harrison 1.2 0.5

What Bug Is It? (MH Edition) Pat Cummings 1.2 0.5

All by Myself Mercer Mayer 1.3 0.5

Bear About Town Stella Blackstone 1.3 0.5

The Big Secret (MH Edition) Tim Kane 1.3 0.5

Brave Triceratops Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

Farm Noises Jane Miller 1.3 0.5

The Flood Jenny Giles 1.3 0.5

Great Snakes! (MH Edition) Fay Robinson 1.3 0.5

The House in the Tree Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

Just Me and My Babysitter Mercer Mayer 1.3 0.5

Let's Camp Out (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.3 0.5

The Lion and the Mouse Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

Locked Out Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

Mushrooms for Dinner Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

The Night Animals (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.3 0.5

The Rescue Jenny Giles 1.3 0.5

Sally's Beans Beverley Randell 1.3 0.5

Splash! (MH Edition) Jessica Clerk 1.3 0.5

Spot's Trick (MH Edition) Judy Nayer 1.3 0.5

This Is My Friend Mercer Mayer 1.3 0.5

Tiger Runs Away Annette Smith 1.3 0.5

The Van and the Cab (MH Edition) Della Cohen 1.3 0.5

We're Going on a Bear Hunt Michael J. Rosen 1.3 0.5

Where Is It? Karen Bryant-Mole 1.3 0.5

Father Bear's Surprise Beverley Randell 1.4 0.5

Fievel's Big Showdown Gail Herman 1.4 0.5

Follow the Monsters! Sharon Lerner 1.4 0.5

Fun Run (MH Edition) Rachel Patrick 1.4 0.5

Greg's Mask (MH Edition) Ann McGovern 1.4 0.5

Happy Mother's Day! Deborah Hautzig 1.4 0.5

Just Me and My Dad Mercer Mayer 1.4 0.5

A Kiss for Little Bear Else Holmelund Minarik 1.4 0.5

Kit and Kat Tomie De Paola 1.4 0.5

Kite's Island Trip (MH Edition) Lily Meadows 1.4 0.5

Little Bulldozer Helps Again Annette Smith 1.4 0.5

Louella Mae, She's Run Away! Karen Beaumont Alarcon 1.4 0.5

Old Black Fly Jim Aylesworth 1.4 0.5

Pete Little Beverley Randell 1.4 0.5

Sam and Jack (MH Edition) Donna Taylor 1.4 0.5

Sam's Song (MH Edition) Alysa Satin Capucilli 1.4 0.5

Shortcut Donald Crews 1.4 0.5

What's New at the Zoo? (MH Edition) Judy Nayer 1.4 0.5

Who Will Be My Friends? Syd Hoff 1.4 0.5

Babar's Little Circus Star Laurent de Brunhoff 1.5 0.5

Candlelight Beverley Randell 1.5 0.5

David and the Giant Emily Little 1.5 0.5

Double-Header Gail Herman 1.5 0.5

Five Silly Fishermen Roberta Edwards 1.5 0.5

Green Eggs and Ham Dr Seuss 1.5 0.5

Harry Goes to Day Camp James Ziefert 1.5 0.5

Henry the Fourth Stuart J. Murphy 1.5 0.5

Hop on Pop Dr. Seuss 1.5 0.5

How Many Cubs? (MH Edition) Penelope Jones 1.5 0.5

Just a Mess Mercer Mayer 1.5 0.5

Let's Be Enemies Janice May Udry 1.5 0.5

Me Too! Mercer Mayer 1.5 0.5

The Prince's Tooth Is Loose Harriet M. Ziefert 1.5 0.5

Ring! Ring! Ring! (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.5 0.5

Tim's Favorite Toy Jenny Giles 1.5 0.5

Try Again Hannah Annette Smith 1.5 0.5

Walking Through the Jungle (MH Edition) Debbie Harter 1.5 0.5

Yay! Emily Rodda 1.5 0.5

Are You My Mother? P.D. Eastman 1.6 0.5

The B. Bears Catch the Bus Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.6 0.5

The Bike Lesson Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.6 0.5

The Christmas Tree Beverley Randell 1.6 0.5

Doll Party Shirley Albert 1.6 0.5

Fall is Fun! (MH Edition) Ron Archer 1.6 0.5

Greetings, Sun Phyllis/David Gershator 1.6 0.5

Hello, Two-Wheeler! Jane B. Mason 1.6 0.5

House Hunting Beverley Randell 1.6 0.5

I Was So Mad Mercer Mayer 1.6 0.5

I Wonder Tana Hoban 1.6 0.5

Ice-Cold Birthday Maryann Cocca-Leffler 1.6 0.5

Is Your Mama a Llama? Deborah Guarino 1.6 0.5

Just Me and My Puppy Mercer Mayer 1.6 0.5

Little Tree Grows Up (MH Edition) Julia Levy 1.6 0.5

Mouse Mess Linnea Riley 1.6 0.5

Noah's Ark Linda Hayward 1.6 0.5

Picnic Farm (MH Edition) Christine Morton 1.6 0.5

Sarah and the Barking Dog Jenny Giles 1.6 0.5

Show and Tell Rose (MH Edition) Josie Lee 1.6 0.5

Tim and Jim Take Off Harriet M. Ziefert 1.6 0.5

Why Can't I Fly? Rita Golden Gelman 1.6 0.5

You're the Scaredy-Cat Mercer Mayer 1.6 0.5

Across the Stream Mirra Ginsburg 1.7 0.5

Addie Meets Max Joan Robins 1.7 0.5

The B. Bears and the Big Road Race Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.7 0.5

Big Bird's Copycat Day Sharon Lerner 1.7 0.5

Big Dog...Little Dog P.D. Eastman 1.7 0.5

The Big Honey Hunt Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.7 0.5

The Big Mile Race Leonard Kessler 1.7 0.5

A Bigger House for June (MH Edition) Anna Smyth 1.7 0.5

Can Jodie Find It? (MH Edition) Ana Conrad 1.7 0.5

Catch Me If You Can! Bernard Most 1.7 0.5

Geraldine's Blanket Holly Keller 1.7 0.5

The Good Life (MH Edition) April Williams 1.7 0.5

Home Sweet Anthill (MH Edition) Chloe Orr 1.7 0.5

I Like Ketchup Sandwiches Lisa Conway 1.7 0.5

Jasper's Beanstalk (MH Edition) Butterworth/Inkpen 1.7 0.5

Joey Beverley Randell 1.7 0.5

Just Shopping with Mom Mercer Mayer 1.7 0.5

Mean Soup Betsy Everitt 1.7 0.5

Mother, Mother I Want Another Maria Polushkin 1.7 0.5

No More Monsters for Me Peggy Parish 1.7 0.5

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Dr. Seuss 1.7 0.5

Sally and the Sparrows Jenny Giles 1.7 0.5

Shape of Me and Other Stuff Dr. Seuss 1.7 0.5

Shrinking Mouse (MH Edition) Pat Hutchins 1.7 0.5

Sir Small and the Dragonfly Jane O'Connor 1.7 0.5

Snakes (MH Edition) Frances Minters 1.7 0.5

Stan's Stunt (MH Edition) Lynn Plourde 1.7 0.5

The Very Boastful Kangaroo Bernard Most 1.7 0.5

Who Took the Farmer's Hat? (MH Edition) Joan L. Nodset 1.7 0.5

Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Peggy Parish 1.8 0.5

The B. Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.8 0.5

Baby Moses Linda Hayward 1.8 0.5

Baby Sister Says No Mercer Mayer 1.8 0.5

Beef Stew Barbara Brenner 1.8 0.5

Dad's Dinosaur Day Diane Hearn 1.8 0.5

Five Little Ducks (MH Edition) Raffi 1.8 0.5

The Fox and the Stork Gerald McDermott 1.8 0.5

Fox in Love Edward Marshall 1.8 0.5

Goodnight Moon Margaret Wise Brown 1.8 0.5

Henry and Mudge (MH Edition) Cynthia Rylant 1.8 0.5

Just Me and My Little Sister Mercer Mayer 1.8 0.5

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Dr. Seuss 1.8 0.5

Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Dr. Seuss 1.8 0.5

Penrod's Pants Mary Blount Christian 1.8 0.5

Pete's Chicken (MH Edition) Harriet Ziefert 1.8 0.5

Samantha the Snob Kathryn Cristaldi 1.8 0.5

Spider's Lunch: All About Garden Spiders Joanna Cole 1.8 0.5

Three by the Sea Edward Marshall 1.8 0.5

The Toy Farm Jenny Giles 1.8 0.5

You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover (MH Edition) Chuck Lau 1.8 0.5

Animal Music Harriet Ziefert 1.9 0.5

At the Crossroads Rachel Isadora 1.9 0.5

Barney Bird (MH Edition) Kate Berical 1.9 0.5

The Bears' Christmas Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.9 0.5

The Bears' Picnic Stan/Jan Berenstain 1.9 0.5

The Carrot Seed Ruth Krauss 1.9 0.5

Cats Are Like That Martha Weston 1.9 0.5

Chester Syd Hoff 1.9 0.5

Clifford's Christmas Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5

Clifford's Happy Easter Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5

Clifford's Kitten Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5

Clifford's Puppy Days Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5

The Good-Bye Book Judith Viorst 1.9 0.5

Jack and Chug Jenny Giles 1.9 0.5

Just Grandma and Me Mercer Mayer 1.9 0.5

Just Grandpa and Me Mercer Mayer 1.9 0.5

Just My Friend and Me Mercer Mayer 1.9 0.5

The Knee-High Man (MH Edition) Ellen Dreyer 1.9 0.5

The Missing Tooth Joanna Cole 1.9 0.5

The Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint Steven Kellogg 1.9 0.5

Peace at Last Jill Murphy 1.9 0.5

Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Patricia Reilly Giff 1.9 0.5

Scruffy Peggy Parish 1.9 0.5

Seven Blind Mice Ed Young 1.9 0.5

Skates for Luke Jenny Giles 1.9 0.5

Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 1.9 0.5

Trashy Town Zimmerman/Clemesha 1.9 0.5

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug Katharine Ross 1.9 0.5

Who's New in Our School? (MH Edition) Anne Lawrence 1.9 0.5

Amelia Bedelia and the Baby Peggy Parish 2 0.5

The Bears' Vacation Stan/Jan Berenstain 2 0.5

The Best Little Monkeys in the World Natalie Standiford 2 0.5

Bully Trouble Joanna Cole 2 0.5

Camp Out Becky Gold 2 0.5

The Case of the Scaredy Cats Crosby Bonsall 2 0.5

Clifford's Family Norman Bridwell 2 0.5

Clifford the Firehouse Dog Norman Bridwell 2 0.5

The Cow That Went Oink (MH Edition) Bernard Most 2 0.5

Daniel's Duck Clyde Robert Bulla 2 0.5

Even That Moose Won't Listen to Me Martha Alexander 2 0.5

Feathers for Lunch Lois Ehlert 2 0.5

Feelings Aliki 2 0.5

Fox on the Job James Marshall 2 0.5

Good Hunting, Blue Sky Peggy Parish 2 0.5

The Great Divide Dayle Ann Dodds 2 0.5

Grizzwold Syd Hoff 2 0.5

Here Comes the Strikeout Leonard Kessler 2 0.5

Home Run Robert Burleigh 2 0.5

How Birds Fly (MH Edition) Elsa Jaspersen 2 0.5

I Just Forgot Mercer Mayer 2 0.5

Joe's Lost Home (MH Edition) Ted P. Skimmer 2 0.5

Just for You Mercer Mayer 2 0.5

Just Go to Bed Mercer Mayer 2 0.5

The Little Red Hen Jenny Giles 2 0.5

Loose Tooth Keats/Suen 2 0.5

Lost in the Forest Beverley Randell 2 0.5

Mitch to the Rescue Annette Smith 2 0.5

Molly the Brave and Me Jane O'Connor 2 0.5

Morris Goes to School B. Wiseman 2 0.5

My Best Friend (MH Edition) Pat Hutchins 2 0.5

My Friends Taro Gomi 2 0.5

Nate the Great Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2 0.5

Never Spit on Your Shoes Denys Cazet 2 0.5

Night and Day (MH Edition) Robyn Martell Zane 2 0.5

No Mail for Mitchell Catherine Siracusa 2 0.5

On Mother's Lap Ann Scott 2 0.5

Our Soccer League (MH Edition) Chuck Solomon 2 0.5

Penrod Again Mary Blount Christian 2 0.5

Peter's Patchwork Dream Willemien Min 2 0.5

Poof! John O'Brien 2 0.5

Roberta's Vacation Silvia Francia 2 0.5

Sammy the Seal Syd Hoff 2 0.5

The Shopping List (MH Edition) Gary Apple 2 0.5

Trish Poodle's Bad Hair Day (MH Edition) Jennifer Coleman 2 0.5

Truck Drivers Deliver Goods (Community Helpers) Carol Greene 2 0.5

Walking the Dogs (MH Edition) Nadia Vegas 2 0.5

Watch Out! Man-eating Snake Patricia Reilly Giff 2 0.5

What's a Pair? What's a Dozen? Stephen R. Swinburne 2 0.5

What's in the Bag? (MH Edition) Pat McGuinne 2 0.5

Yasmin's Ducks (MH Edition) Barbara Bottner 2 0.5

Amanda Pig and Her Best Friend Lollipop Jean Van Leeuwen 2.1 0.5

Ann's First Day (MH Edition) Constance Andrea Keremes 2.1 0.5

Babar and the Ghost Laurent de Brunhoff 2.1 0.5

A Bed Full of Cats Holly Keller 2.1 0.5

Bernard's Nap Joan Elizabeth Goodman 2.1 0.5

Best Friends Patricia Reilly Giff 2.1 1

The Best Nest P.D. Eastman 2.1 0.5

Big Max Kin Platt 2.1 0.5

Can I Be Good? Livingston Taylor 2.1 0.5

The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Dr. Seuss 2.1 0.5

The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss 2.1 0.5

Champions of the World (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.1 0.5

Clifford and the Big Storm Norman Bridwell 2.1 0.5

Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Norman Bridwell 2.1 0.5

Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.1 0.5

Cosmo Zooms Arthur Howard 2.1 0.5

Debbie's Good Night Pals (MH Edition) Jeanne Argente 2.1 0.5

Dinosaur Babies Lucille Recht Penner 2.1 0.5

Don't Make Me Laugh James Stevenson 2.1 0.5

Dr. Seuss's ABC Dr. Seuss 2.1 0.5

Duncan and Dolores Barbara Samuels 2.1 0.5

Fancy Feet Patricia Reilly Giff 2.1 1

Father Bear Comes Home Else Holmelund Minarik 2.1 0.5

Fox in Socks Dr Seuss 2.1 0.5

Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia Herman Parish 2.1 0.5

Good Work, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.1 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House Cynthia Rylant 2.1 0.5

Hey, Al Arthur Yorinks 2.1 0.5

The Horrible Holidays Audrey Wood 2.1 0.5

How Kittens Grow (MH Edition) Larry Wells 2.1 0.5

I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! Dr. Seuss 2.1 0.5

The Island State (MH Edition) Dorothy Melville 2.1 0.5

Julius Syd Hoff 2.1 0.5

The Land (MH Edition) Wendy Pearl 2.1 0.5

The Last Puppy Frank Asch 2.1 0.5

Letters from a New Home (MH Edition) Anne M. Castagliola 2.1 0.5

Little Chief Syd Hoff 2.1 0.5

Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.1 0.5

Monkey-Monkey's Trick Patricia C. McKissack 2.1 0.5

Moving Day Cyndy Szekeres 2.1 0.5

My Mom Made Me Go to Camp Judy Delton 2.1 0.5

Night Sounds (MH Edition) Tracy Oliver 2.1 0.5

No One Quite Like Me Mary Diestel-Feddersen 2.1 0.5

Oliver Syd Hoff 2.1 0.5

One Saturday Afternoon Barbara Baker 2.1 0.5

Patrick Makes a Shot (MH Edition) Samantha Hogan 2.1 0.5

Pet Day (MH Edition) Danielle Sarraute 2.1 0.5

Pickle Puss Patricia Reilly Giff 2.1 1

Pizza Cats Gail Herman 2.1 0.5

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Bill Martin Jr. 2.1 0.5

The Powder Puff Puzzle Patricia Reilly Giff 2.1 1

Pterosaur's Long Flight Hugh Price 2.1 0.5

Their Names Will Live On (MH Edition) Carey King 2.1 0.5

There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Dr. Seuss 2.1 0.5

The Three Little Pigs Annette Smith 2.1 0.5

Three up a Tree James Marshall 2.1 0.5

Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies Ann Turner 2.1 0.5

What a Bad Dream Mercer Mayer 2.1 0.5

Will I Have a Friend? Miriam Cohen 2.1 0.5

Abiyoyo Pete Seeger 2.2 0.5

Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Peggy Parish 2.2 0.5

Arthur's Eyes Marc Brown 2.2 0.5

Barney's Horse Syd Hoff 2.2 0.5

Baseball Ballerina Kathryn Cristaldi 2.2 0.5

The Bear Detectives Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.2 0.5

Bernard's Bath Joan Elizabeth Goodman 2.2 0.5

Birds' Nests (MH Edition) Julia Obolensky 2.2 0.5

The Bremen-town Musicians Ruth B. Gross 2.2 0.5

Christmas in the Forest Marion Dane Bauer 2.2 0.5

Clara and the Bookwagon Nancy Smiler Levinson 2.2 0.5

Clifford's Good Deeds Norman Bridwell 2.2 0.5

Cornelius Leo Lionni 2.2 0.5

Curious George at the Beach Margret Rey 2.2 0.5

The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Trinka Hakes Noble 2.2 0.5

Deputy Dan and the Bank Robbers Joseph Rosenbloom 2.2 0.5

Don't Float in Blue Jam (MH Edition) Dan Feury 2.2 0.5

Elmer Blunt's Open House Matt Novak 2.2 0.5

Farmer Duck Martin Waddell 2.2 0.5

A Friend for Little Bear (MH Edition) Harry Horse 2.2 0.5

Good Morning, Chick Mirra Ginsburg 2.2 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Cynthia Rylant 2.2 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase Cynthia Rylant 2.2 0.5

Hiroko Makes the Team (MH Edition) Crennan Ray 2.2 0.5

I Bought a Baby Chicken Kelly Milner Halls 2.2 0.5

I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! Dr. Seuss 2.2 0.5

Ira Sleeps Over Bernard Waber 2.2 0.5

Jessica in the Dark Beverley Randell 2.2 0.5

Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Peter/Connie Roop 2.2 0.5

Lionel in the Fall Stephen Krensky 2.2 0.5

Little Bear's Friend Else Holmelund Minarik 2.2 0.5

Mama Don't Allow Thacher Hurd 2.2 0.5

The More the Merrier (MH Edition) Sonya Trevaley 2.2 0.5

A Mother for Choco Keiko Kasza 2.2 0.5

Mouse Paint Ellen Stoll Walsh 2.2 0.5

A New Flag (MH Edition) Robert Harris 2.2 0.5

Norma Jean, Jumping Bean Joanna Cole 2.2 0.5

On the Go! (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.2 0.5

Owl and the Moon (MH Edition) Arnold Lobel 2.2 0.5

Perfect Pets (MH Edition) Rob Domino 2.2 0.5

Raccoons and Ripe Corn Jim Arnosky 2.2 0.5

Red Fox and His Canoe Nathaniel Benchley 2.2 0.5

The Riddle of the Red Purse Patricia Reilly Giff 2.2 1

Seven Sillies (MH Edition) Joyce Dunbar 2.2 0.5

Singing Sam Clyde Robert Bulla 2.2 0.5

The Surprise Party Annabelle Prager 2.2 0.5

The Teeny Tiny Woman Jane O'Connor 2.2 0.5

Three Sisters Audrey Wood 2.2 0.5

Turtle Dreams Marion Dane Bauer 2.2 0.5

When I Get Bigger Mercer Mayer 2.2 0.5

All about Stacy Patricia Reilly Giff 2.3 1

Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower Peggy Parish 2.3 0.5

Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Peggy Parish 2.3 0.5

Anansi Goes Fishing Eric A. Kimmel 2.3 0.5

The B. Bears Blaze a Trail Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.3 0.5

The Bear's Toothache David McPhail 2.3 0.5

The Bear Scouts Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.3 0.5

The Best Friends Club (MH Edition) Elizabeth Winthrop 2.3 0.5

The Case of the Cat's Meow Crosby Bonsall 2.3 0.5

The Case of the Hungry Stranger Crosby Bonsall 2.3 0.5

Coyotes Rule! (MH Edition) H.H. Cardigan 2.3 0.5

Danny and the Dinosaur Syd Hoff 2.3 0.5

The Day the Goose Got Loose Reeve Lindbergh 2.3 0.5

Four on the Shore Edward Marshall 2.3 0.5

The Gingerbread Man Annette Smith 2.3 0.5

Happy Birthday, Jesse Bear! Nancy White Carlstrom 2.3 0.5

Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet Cynthia Rylant 2.3 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Cynthia Rylant 2.3 0.5

Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Cynthia Rylant 2.3 0.5

The Horse in Harry's Room Syd Hoff 2.3 0.5

How Frog Lost His Tail (MH Edition) Kris Allen 2.3 0.5

I Wish I Was Sick, Too! Franz Brandenberg 2.3 0.5

Isabelle's New Friend Laurent de Brunhoff 2.3 0.5

Jesus Calms the Storm Jean Cook 2.3 0.5

Jesus Enters Jerusalem Jane Fryar 2.3 0.5

Johnny Lion's Book Edith Hurd 2.3 0.5

Little Bear's Visit Else Holmelund Minarik 2.3 0.5

Little Nino's Pizzeria Karen Barbour 2.3 0.5

Mama, Do You Love Me? Barbara M. Joosse 2.3 0.5

Mice at Bat Kelly Oechsli 2.3 0.5

Mrs. Brice's Mice Syd Hoff 2.3 0.5

The Mystery of the Blue Ring Patricia Reilly Giff 2.3 1

A Picture for Harold's Room Crockett Johnson 2.3 0.5

Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.3 0.5

Popcorn Frank Asch 2.3 0.5

Puppies Are Like That Jan Pfloog 2.3 0.5

The Ring (MH Edition) Paul Anders 2.3 0.5

Rob's First Pet Care Book (MH Edition) Rob Domino 2.3 0.5

The Secret at the Polk Street School Patricia Reilly Giff 2.3 1

Small Pig Arnold Lobel 2.3 0.5

Stan the Hot Dog Man Ethel/Leonard Kessler 2.3 0.5

A Story Cloth (MH Edition) Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith 2.3 0.5

The Story of a Blue Bird (MH Edition) Tomek Bogacki 2.3 0.5

Sunny-Side Up Patricia Reilly Giff 2.3 1

Super Sand Castle Saturday Stuart J. Murphy 2.3 0.5

There's a Nightmare in My Closet Mercer Mayer 2.3 0.5

Three Smart Pals Joanne Rocklin 2.3 0.5

Time Train Paul Fleischman 2.3 0.5

Trains Ray Broekel 2.3 0.5

Watch Runs Away Gertrude Chandler Warner 2.3 0.5

What a Wonderful World Weiss/Thiele 2.3 0.5

When Will I Read? Miriam Cohen 2.3 0.5

Young Cam Jansen...Baseball Mystery David A. Adler 2.3 0.5

Zomo the Rabbit Gerald McDermott 2.3 0.5

Arthur Babysits Marc Brown 2.4 0.5

Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery Doug Cushman 2.4 0.5

Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later) Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard 2.4 0.5

Beans on the Roof Betsy Byars 2.4 1

Black and White (MH Edition) Amy Jo 2.4 0.5

Buzby to the Rescue Julia Hoban 2.4 0.5

Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia Herman Parish 2.4 0.5

Calvin's Plan (MH Edition) Nadia Vegas 2.4 0.5

The Case of the Cool-Itch Kid Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 1

Clifford's Pals Norman Bridwell 2.4 0.5

Curious George and the Pizza Margret Rey 2.4 0.5

Curious George Goes to School Margret /H.A. Rey 2.4 0.5

Deputy Dan Gets His Man Joseph Rosenbloom 2.4 0.5

Down on the Funny Farm P.E. King 2.4 0.5

The Family Game (MH Edition) Truman Vega 2.4 0.5

Garbage Juice for Breakfast Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 1

A Ghost Named Fred Nathaniel Benchley 2.4 0.5

The Ghost on the Train (MH Edition) Emily North 2.4 0.5

Grumpy Bunnies Willy Welch 2.4 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Cynthia Rylant 2.4 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip Cynthia Rylant 2.4 0.5

Hey! Get Off Our Train John Burningham 2.4 0.5

Hooray for the Golly Sisters! Betsy Byars 2.4 0.5

I Live at the Museum (MH Edition) Wally Berg 2.4 0.5

If You Give a Moose a Muffin Laura Numeroff 2.4 0.5

Jamaica Tag-Along (MH Edition) Juanita Havill 2.4 0.5

Janie in Old California (MH Edition) Henry Timin 2.4 0.5

Johnny Appleseed (MH Edition) Mary Pope Osborne 2.4 0.5

Just Going to the Dentist Mercer Mayer 2.4 0.5

Karen and the Red Shoes (MH Edition) Samantha Bloomfield 2.4 0.5

The Koala Catchers (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.4 0.5

A Letter to Amy Ezra Jack Keats 2.4 0.5

A Letter to Amy (MH Edition) Ezra Jack Keats 2.4 0.5

Little Bear Else Holmelund Minarik 2.4 0.5

Louis the Fish Arthur Yorinks 2.4 0.5

Ludlow Laughs Jon Agee 2.4 0.5

Mike and the Magic Cookies Jon Buller 2.4 0.5

Milk and Cookies Frank Asch 2.4 0.5

Mouse Soup Arnold Lobel 2.4 0.5

Mystery on the Docks Thacher Hurd 2.4 0.5

The No-Nothings and Their Baby Anne Mazer 2.4 0.5

No Tooth, No Quarter! Jon Buller 2.4 0.5

Now You See It, Now You Don't (MH Edition) Geof Smith 2.4 0.5

The Old Woman and Her Pig Eric A. Kimmel 2.4 0.5

One of Three Angela Johnson 2.4 0.5

Possum Come a-Knockin' Nancy VanLaan 2.4 0.5

A Present for Mama Bear Bonnie Staenberg 2.4 0.5

Pretty Good Magic Cathy/Mark Dubowski 2.4 0.5

Pumpkin Pumpkin Jeanne Titherington 2.4 0.5

Purple Climbing Days Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 1

Sam the Sea Cow Francine Jacobs 2.4 0.5

Say "Cheese" Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 1

The Sign on Rosie's Door Maurice Sendak 2.4 0.5

Simon Says, "Go for It!" (MH Edition) Carrie Ann Piparo 2.4 0.5

Stacy Says Good-Bye Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 1

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Annette Smith 2.4 0.5

Tight Times Barbara Shook Hazen 2.4 0.5

The Voice of the Sea (MH Edition) Paul Anders 2.4 0.5

Watch Out, Ronald Morgan! Patricia Reilly Giff 2.4 0.5

What's Gotten Into You, Julio? (MH Edition) Rob Domino 2.4 0.5

The Worst Kid Who Ever Lived on Eighth Avenue Laurie Lawlor 2.4 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth David A. Adler 2.4 0.5

20,000 Baseball Cards under the Sea Jon Buller 2.5 0.5

Africa: Animals at Night (MH Edition) Judith Lechner 2.5 0.5

Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.5 0.5

An Ancient Art (MH Edition) Michael Burgan 2.5 0.5

The B. Bears on the Job Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.5 0.5

Bark, Spike, Bark! Luke David 2.5 0.5

Bear's Hiccups Marion Dane Bauer 2.5 0.5

Best Wishes, Ed (MH Edition) James Stevenson 2.5 0.5

The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto Natalie Standiford 2.5 0.5

Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! Herman Parish 2.5 0.5

Brutus the Wonder Poodle Linda Gondosch 2.5 1

The Candy Corn Contest Patricia Reilly Giff 2.5 1

Cannonball Chris Jean Marzollo 2.5 0.5

Change for the Quarter (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.5 0.5

Charlie Anderson Barbara Abercrombie 2.5 0.5

Charlie Anderson (MH Edition) Barbara Abercrombie 2.5 0.5

Chita's Christmas Tree Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard 2.5 0.5

The Christmas Coat Clyde Robert Bulla 2.5 0.5

The Circus Mabel Harmer 2.5 0.5

The Clue at the Zoo Patricia Reilly Giff 2.5 1

Come a Tide George Ella Lyon 2.5 0.5

Copy Me, Copycub Richard Edwards 2.5 0.5

Cowboys Teri Martini 2.5 0.5

Curious George at the Fire Station Margret/H.A. Rey 2.5 0.5

Days with Frog and Toad Arnold Lobel 2.5 0.5

Dora and the Un-Club (MH Edition) Barbara Linde 2.5 0.5

Ellen and Penguin Clara Vulliamy 2.5 0.5

Everett Anderson's Goodbye Lucille Clifton 2.5 0.5

Fire Fighters Ray Broekel 2.5 0.5

The First Night of Hanukkah Nicki Weiss 2.5 0.5

Five Little Piggies David Martin 2.5 0.5

George Washington's Mother Jean Fritz 2.5 0.5

Green Gravy Beverly Lewis 2.5 1

Hattie Rabbit Dick Gackenbach 2.5 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Cynthia Rylant 2.5 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Cynthia Rylant 2.5 0.5

Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Cynthia Rylant 2.5 0.5

I Like Animals: What Can I Be? Muriel L. Dubois 2.5 0.5

I Took My Frog to the Library Eric A. Kimmel 2.5 0.5

If You Give a Pig a Pancake Laura Numeroff 2.5 0.5

In the Dinosaur's Paw Patricia Reilly Giff 2.5 1

It Takes a Village Jane Cowen-Fletcher 2.5 0.5

Just a Daydream Mercer Mayer 2.5 0.5

Just Me and My Little Brother Mercer Mayer 2.5 0.5

Levers (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 2.5 0.5

Lost at Sea (MH Edition) Dale Dow 2.5 0.5

Lottie's New Friend Petra Mathers 2.5 0.5

Lucky to Be Lost (MH Edition) Kymberlee Lauren 2.5 0.5

The Mudhole Mystery Beverly Lewis 2.5 1

The One in the Middle Is a Green Kangaroo Judy Blume 2.5 0.5

The Owl and the Pussycat Edward Lear 2.5 0.5

Pickin' Peas Margaret Read MacDonald 2.5 0.5

Pickle Pizza Beverly Lewis 2.5 1

Pioneer Bear Joan Sandin 2.5 0.5

Porcupine's Pajama Party Terry Webb Harshman 2.5 0.5

Rain Makes Applesauce Julian Scheer 2.5 0.5

Rosie's Babies Martin Waddell 2.5 0.5

The Runaway Teddy Bear Ginnie Hofmann 2.5 0.5

Silly Tilly's Valentine Lillian Hoban 2.5 0.5

The Snowy Day Ezra Jack Keats 2.5 0.5

Special Delivery (MH Edition) Dennis Fisher 2.5 0.5

Spectacular Stone Soup Patricia Reilly Giff 2.5 1

There Is a Carrot in My Ear and Other Noodle Tales Alvin Schwartz 2.5 0.5

Truck Drivers (Community Helpers) Karen Bush Gibson 2.5 0.5

A Turkey for Thanksgiving Eve Bunting 2.5 0.5

The Valentine Star Patricia Reilly Giff 2.5 1

Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard 2.5 0.5

Who Wants an Old Teddy Bear? Ginnie Hofmann 2.5 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Dinosaur Game David A. Adler 2.5 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach Mystery David A. Adler 2.5 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie David A. Adler 2.5 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the New Girl Mystery David A. Adler 2.5 0.5

Young Cam Jansen...Ice Skate Mystery David A. Adler 2.5 0.5

Adventure in Arabia (MH Edition) Flora Foss 2.6 0.5

Afternoon on the Amazon Mary Pope Osborne 2.6 1

Animal Noses (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.6 0.5

Apt. 3 Ezra Jack Keats 2.6 0.5

Arthur's Christmas Cookies Lillian Hoban 2.6 0.5

Arthur's Halloween Costume Lillian Hoban 2.6 0.5

Arthur Writes a Story (MH Edition) Marc Brown 2.6 0.5

At the Farm (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.6 0.5

The B. Bears and the Missing Honey Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.6 0.5

Backyard Bandit Mystery Beverly Lewis 2.6 1

Benjamin Banneker (MH Edition) O.G. Smedley 2.6 0.5

The Big Balloon Race Eleanor Coerr 2.6 0.5

Billy Fish (MH Edition) Edward S. Popper 2.6 0.5

Birds We Know Margaret Friskey 2.6 0.5

The Boy Who Ate Dog Biscuits Betsy Sachs 2.6 1

By a Blazing Blue Sea S.T. Garne 2.6 0.5

The Case of the Double Cross Crosby Bonsall 2.6 0.5

Curious George H.A. Rey 2.6 0.5

Curious George Visits the Zoo Margret Rey 2.6 0.5

Daniel in the Lions' Den Jane Latourette 2.6 0.5

Daniel's Dog Jo Ellen Bogart 2.6 0.5

Dinosaur Days Joyce Milton 2.6 0.5

Dinosaurs Before Dark Mary Pope Osborne 2.6 1

Don't Be My Valentine Joan M. Lexau 2.6 0.5

Fourth Grade Rats Jerry Spinelli 2.6 2

Frog and Toad All Year Arnold Lobel 2.6 0.5

The Gingerbread Man Karen Schmidt 2.6 0.5

The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein 2.6 0.5

The Glorious Flight across the Channel with Louis BleriotAlice/Martin Provensen 2.6 0.5

Grandmas at Bat Emily Arnold McCully 2.6 0.5

Happy Birthday, Moon Frank Asch 2.6 0.5

Harry the Troll...3 Billy Goats Gruff (MH Edition) Judith Lechner 2.6 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Cynthia Rylant 2.6 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas Cynthia Rylant 2.6 0.5

How Will the Easter Bunny Know? Kay Winters 2.6 0.5

I Wished for a Unicorn Robert Heidbreder 2.6 0.5

Imogene's Antlers David Small 2.6 0.5

Ira Says Goodbye Bernard Waber 2.6 0.5

J.J.'s Big Day (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.6 0.5

Jamaica's Find Juanita Havill 2.6 0.5

Journey to America (MH Edition) Madeleine Keyes 2.6 0.5

Jump, Kangaroo, Jump! Stuart J. Murphy 2.6 0.5

Junie B., First Grader (at Last!) Barbara Park 2.6 1

Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Barbara Park 2.6 1

Just a Bully Gina/Mercer Mayer 2.6 0.5

Just Me in the Tub Gina/Mercer Mayer 2.6 0.5

Kittens Are Like That Jan Pfloog 2.6 0.5

Lee in the Lake (MH Edition) Chris Hobart 2.6 0.5

Lemon Drop Jar Christine Widman 2.6 0.5

Little Gorilla Ruth Bornstein 2.6 0.5

Luka's Quilt (MH Edition) Georgia Guback 2.6 0.5

A Mare for Young Wolf Janice Shefelman 2.6 0.5

My Own Team: The Bill Reidy Story (MH Edition) Geof Smith 2.6 0.5

The Mystery Mess (MH Edition) Billy Aronson 2.6 0.5

The Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin Steven Kellogg 2.6 0.5

Nate the Great...Phony Clue Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.6 0.5

Next Stop Grand Central Maira Kalman 2.6 0.5

No Fighting, No Biting! Else Holmelund Minarik 2.6 0.5

One Hundred Hungry Ants Elinor J. Pinczes 2.6 0.5

Opt: An Illusionary Tale (MH Edition) Arline/Joseph Baum 2.6 0.5

Oscar Otter Nathaniel Benchley 2.6 0.5

Our Teacher's Having a Baby Eve Bunting 2.6 0.5

Penguin Pete's New Friends Marcus Pfister 2.6 0.5

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Lois Ehlert 2.6 0.5

Robots on the Loose! (MH Edition) Nellie Dooham 2.6 0.5

Scary, Scary Halloween Eve Bunting 2.6 0.5

Sharks (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.6 0.5

Sheep Station (MH Edition) Shirley Frederick 2.6 0.5

Snaggle Doodles Patricia Reilly Giff 2.6 1

Soccer Sam Jean Marzollo 2.6 0.5

Thank You, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 2.6 0.5

Toby and the Big Red Van Annette Smith 2.6 0.5

The Trail of the Screaming Teenager Patricia Reilly Giff 2.6 1

Tree of Cranes Allen Say 2.6 0.5

Uncle Elephant Arnold Lobel 2.6 0.5

The Very Noisy Night Diana Hendry 2.6 0.5

Wagon Wheels Barbara Brenner 2.6 0.5

Watch the Stars Come Out Riki Levinson 2.6 0.5

Welcome to a New Museum (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.6 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Lions' Lunch Mystery David A. Adler 2.6 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Substitute Mystery David A. Adler 2.6 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Zoo Note Mystery David A. Adler 2.6 0.5

Animal Ears (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.7 0.5

Annie and the Wild Animals Jan Brett 2.7 0.5

Are You a Fossil Fan? (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5

Arrow to the Sun Gerald McDermott 2.7 0.5

Bedtime for Frances Russell Hoban 2.7 0.5

Bedtime Mouse Sandol Stoddard 2.7 0.5

Big Cats Joyce Milton 2.7 0.5

The Boy in the Drawer Robert N. Munsch 2.7 0.5

The Boy Who Saved His Family Alyce Bergey 2.7 0.5

The Cat's Quizzer Dr. Seuss 2.7 0.5

The Chalk Box Kid Clyde Robert Bulla 2.7 1

The Chicken Pox Panic Beverly Lewis 2.7 1

Christopher Columbus Stephen Krensky 2.7 0.5

Cream of Creature from the School Cafeteria Mike Thaler 2.7 0.5

Curious George Flies a Kite Margret Rey 2.7 0.5

December Secrets Patricia Reilly Giff 2.7 1

The Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard B.G. Hennessy 2.7 0.5

Elmer and the Kangaroo David McKee 2.7 0.5

Everybody's Happy (MH Edition) Anna Cicero 2.7 0.5

Fish Face Patricia Reilly Giff 2.7 1

Fly Away Home Eve Bunting 2.7 0.5

The Fox Went out on a Chilly Night Peter Spier 2.7 0.5

Froggy's Halloween Jonathan London 2.7 0.5

George and Martha James Marshall 2.7 0.5

Going Batty for Bats (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5

Good Morning, Miss Gator Robert Kraus 2.7 0.5

Haircuts at Sleepy Sam's Michael R. Strickland 2.7 0.5

Happy Mother's Day Steven Kroll 2.7 0.5

Hare and Tortoise (MH Edition) Wally Berg 2.7 0.5

Harold's Runaway Nose Harriet Sonnenschein 2.7 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch Cynthia Rylant 2.7 0.5

Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Cynthia Rylant 2.7 0.5

Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers Cynthia Rylant 2.7 0.5

Henry and Mudge, The First Book Cynthia Rylant 2.7 0.5

Hockey Hero Jean/Dan Marzollo 2.7 0.5

I Like Sports: What Can I Be? Muriel L. Dubois 2.7 0.5

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Laura Numeroff 2.7 0.5

Jimmy's Boa and the Big Splash Birthday Bash Trinka Hakes Noble 2.7 0.5

John Muir: Making the Mountains Glad (MH Edition) Lauren Ray Pollard 2.7 0.5

The Josefina Story Quilt Eleanor Coerr 2.7 0.5

Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Barbara Park 2.7 1

Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed Barbara Park 2.7 1

Junie B. Jones Is Almost a Flower Girl Barbara Park 2.7 1

Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren Barbara Park 2.7 1

Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs Patricia Reilly Giff 2.7 1

Little Runner of the Longhouse Betty Baker 2.7 0.5

The Long Way to a New Land Joan Sandin 2.7 0.5

The Lost Lake (MH Edition) Allen Say 2.7 0.5

The Magic School Bus Hops Home Cole/Relf 2.7 0.5

Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me? Louis Sachar 2.7 1

May I Bring a Friend? Beatrice Schenk de Regniers 2.7 0.5

Miss Nelson Is Back Harry Allard 2.7 0.5

Miss Nelson Is Missing! Harry Allard 2.7 0.5

The Monster in Harry's Backyard Karen Gray Ruelle 2.7 0.5

Mummies in the Morning Mary Pope Osborne 2.7 1

Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.7 0.5

Night of the Ninjas Mary Pope Osborne 2.7 1

Owl at Home Arnold Lobel 2.7 0.5

Peach Boy William Hooks 2.7 0.5

Perry Mantis, Private Eye (MH Edition) Alejandro Segovia 2.7 0.5

Pharmacists (Community Helpers) Karen Bush Gibson 2.7 0.5

The Piggy in the Puddle Charlotte Pomerantz 2.7 0.5

Ready Set Go! (MH Edition) Dan Feury 2.7 0.5

The Runaway Bunny Margaret Wise Brown 2.7 0.5

Shoeshine Girl Clyde Robert Bulla 2.7 1

The Shortest Kid in the World Corinne Demas Bliss 2.7 0.5

Snow Lion David McPhail 2.7 0.5

Third Grade Is Terrible Barbara Baker 2.7 1

This Is Your Land (MH Edition) Anne Lawrence 2.7 0.5

Tillie and Mert Ida Luttrell 2.7 0.5

Tina Finds a Way (MH Edition) Geof Smith 2.7 0.5

Tomás and the Library Lady (MH Edition) Pat Mora 2.7 0.5

A Very Cool Place to Visit (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5

A Very Special Critter Gina/Mercer Mayer 2.7 0.5

What Happened to Patrick's Dinosaurs? Carol Carrick 2.7 0.5

What's This? Caroline Mockford 2.7 0.5

When I Am Old with You Angela Johnson 2.7 0.5

Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway? Avi 2.7 3

Winter in the Arctic (MH Edition) Dale Dow 2.7 0.5

The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches Alice Low 2.7 0.5

The World of Cats (MH Edition) Larry Wells 2.7 0.5

Young Amelia Earhart: A Dream to Fly (MH Edition) Sarah Alcott 2.7 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Spotted Cat Mystery David A. Adler 2.7 0.5

Young Jesus in the Temple Alyce Bergey 2.7 0.5

Zelda and Ivy and the Boy Next Door Laura McGee Kvasnosky 2.7 0.5

African Animals John Wallace Purcell 2.8 0.5

Angel Child, Dragon Child Michele Maria Surat 2.8 0.5

Arthur's Tooth Marc Brown 2.8 0.5

At the Seashore (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.8 0.5

At the Zoo (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.8 0.5

The B. Bears and the Ghost of the Forest Stan/Jan Berenstain 2.8 0.5

A Bargain for Frances Russell Hoban 2.8 0.5

Bear on a Bike Stella Blackstone 2.8 0.5

Big Tracks, Little Tracks Millicent E. Selsam 2.8 0.5

Bigmama's Donald Crews 2.8 0.5

The Bionic Bunny Show Marc Brown 2.8 0.5

Bye, Mis' Lela Dorothy Carter 2.8 0.5

The Chief's Daughter and the Hunting Dog (MH Edition) Peter Wallace 2.8 0.5

Dear Diary (MH Edition) Elaine Epstein 2.8 0.5

Dolphins! Sharon Bokoske 2.8 0.5

Earrings! Judith Viorst 2.8 0.5

Emergency Medical Technicians (Community Helpers) Karen Bush Gibson 2.8 0.5

Florence and Eric Take the Cake Jocelyn Wild 2.8 0.5

The Friendship of Milly and Tug Dian Curtis Regan 2.8 0.5

The Frog Prince Edith Tarcov 2.8 0.5

The Frog Princess? Pamela Mann 2.8 0.5

Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.8 0.5

Gilberto and the Wind Marie Hall Ets 2.8 0.5

Green Wilma Tedd Arnold 2.8 0.5

Gregory, the Terrible Eater Mitchell Sharmat 2.8 0.5

The Grouchy Ladybug Eric Carle 2.8 0.5

Guess How Much I Love You Sam McBratney 2.8 0.5

Happy Birthday, Dear Duck Eve Bunting 2.8 0.5

The Headless Horseman Natalie Standiford 2.8 0.5

Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House Cynthia Rylant 2.8 0.5

Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Cynthia Rylant 2.8 0.5

Horrible Harry's Secret Suzy Kline 2.8 0.5

How Does the Wind Walk? Nancy White Carlstrom 2.8 0.5

Hungry, Hungry Sharks Joanna Cole 2.8 0.5

I Like Music: What Can I Be? Muriel L. Dubois 2.8 0.5

I Speak English for My Mom Muriel Stanek 2.8 0.5

Inclined Planes (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 2.8 0.5

Jacob's Ladder Virginia Mueller 2.8 0.5

Journey Across the Desert (MH Edition) Michael Teitelbaum 2.8 0.5

Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B...Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does MaBy)arbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal Barbara Park 2.8 1

Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day Barbara Park 2.8 1

Knots on a Counting Rope Bill Martin 2.8 0.5

Laura Charlotte Kathryn Galbraith 2.8 0.5

Lemonade for Sale (MH Edition) Stuart J. Murphy 2.8 0.5

Little Fox & Big Coyote (MH Edition) Caitlin Brooks 2.8 0.5

Lizard's Home George Shannon 2.8 0.5

Maebelle's Suitcase Tricia Tusa 2.8 0.5

Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? Louis Sachar 2.8 1

Meet Babar and His Family Laurent de Brunhoff 2.8 0.5

Midnight on the Moon Mary Pope Osborne 2.8 1

Mitchell Is Moving Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.8 0.5

Moon, Sun and Stars John Lewellen 2.8 0.5

More Perfect Than the Moon Patricia MacLachlan 2.8 1

The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost Geoffrey Hayes 2.8 0.5

The Napping House Audrey Wood 2.8 0.5

New Shoes for Silvia (MH Edition) Johanna Hurwitz 2.8 0.5

The Night Jazz Came Alive (MH Edition) Daphne Morgan 2.8 0.5

No Good in Art Miriam Cohen 2.8 0.5

P.J. the Spoiled Bunny Marilyn Sadler 2.8 0.5

Peter Set Free Gloria A. Truitt 2.8 0.5

The Pied Piper of Hamelin Deborah Hautzig 2.8 0.5

Pirates Past Noon Mary Pope Osborne 2.8 1

The Pooped Troop Judy Delton 2.8 1

Rabbit's New Rug Judy Delton 2.8 0.5

Sammy and the Dinosaurs Ian Whybrow 2.8 0.5

The Secret of Foghorn Island Geoffrey Hayes 2.8 0.5

Snakes Ray Broekel 2.8 0.5

Song Lee and the Leech Man Suzy Kline 2.8 1

Space Case Edward Marshall 2.8 0.5

Space Invaders! Sarah Albee 2.8 0.5

Spring Sprouts Judy Delton 2.8 1

The Tenth Good Thing about Barney Judith Viorst 2.8 0.5

Three Ducks Went Wandering Ron Roy 2.8 0.5

Train to Somewhere Eve Bunting 2.8 0.5

The Video Kids Jon Buller 2.8 0.5

The Wednesday Surprise (MH Edition) Eve Bunting 2.8 0.5

The Wednesday Surprise Eve Bunting 2.8 0.5

The Well-Used Coat (MH Edition) Eleanor Szlachta 2.8 0.5

Whales: The Gentle Giants Joyce Milton 2.8 0.5

Who's Afraid of the Wolf? (MH Edition) Jefferson Mills 2.8 0.5

The Winter Duckling Keith Polette 2.8 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Pizza Shop Mystery David A. Adler 2.8 0.5

Animal Feet (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.9 0.5

Arthur's Camp-Out Lillian Hoban 2.9 0.5

Arthur's Chicken Pox Marc Brown 2.9 0.5

Arthur's Honey Bear Lillian Hoban 2.9 0.5

Arthur's Loose Tooth Lillian Hoban 2.9 0.5

Arthur's Prize Reader Lillian Hoban 2.9 0.5

Bad Bears in the Big City Daniel Pinkwater 2.9 0.5

The Barn Owls Tony Johnston 2.9 0.5

The Barn Raising (MH Edition) Soledad delBosque 2.9 0.5

The Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room Patricia Reilly Giff 2.9 1

Bee My Valentine! Miriam Cohen 2.9 0.5

Big Bad Beans Beverly Lewis 2.9 1

Birthday Presents Cynthia Rylant 2.9 0.5

Blue Bay Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 2.9 2

The Boy Who Gave His Lunch Away Dave Hill 2.9 0.5

Buck-Buck the Chicken Amy Ehrlich 2.9 0.5

Buttons for General Washington Peter/Connie Roop 2.9 0.5

Can Animals Talk? (MH Edition) Mark Dubowski 2.9 0.5

The Caves at Lascaux (MH Edition) Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith 2.9 0.5

Child Care Workers (Community Helpers) Karen Bush Gibson 2.9 0.5

Class 2-Much Makes Money (MH Edition) Nadia Vegas 2.9 0.5

Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Larry Dane Brimner 2.9 1

Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop Margret/H.A. Rey 2.9 0.5

David and Jonathan Alyce Bergey 2.9 0.5

Deserts Elsa Posell 2.9 0.5

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Byron Barton 2.9 0.5

Down by the Bay (MH Edition) Consuelo Udave 2.9 0.5

The Easter Day Surprise Jane Fryar 2.9 0.5

Emma Wendy Kesselman 2.9 0.5

The Face of the West (MH Edition) Billy Aronson 2.9 0.5

Farmer Brown's Birthday Surprise (MH Edition) Jennifer Julius 2.9 0.5

The First Thanksgiving Linda Hayward 2.9 0.5

Five Funny Frights Judith Bauer Stamper 2.9 0.5

Freedom Cat (MH Edition) H.H. Cardigan 2.9 0.5

Frog and Toad Are Friends Arnold Lobel 2.9 0.5

Frog and Toad Together Arnold Lobel 2.9 0.5

Frog Power Beverly Lewis 2.9 1

Grasshopper on the Road Arnold Lobel 2.9 0.5

The Great Pumpkin Switch Megan McDonald 2.9 0.5

Harry's Got a Girlfriend! Ulli Schubert 2.9 0.5

Hill of Fire Thomas P. Lewis 2.9 0.5

Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise Suzy Kline 2.9 0.5

How My Parents Learned to Eat Ina Friedman 2.9 0.5

How to Raise a Happy Tadpole (MH Edition) Bruce Goldstone 2.9 0.5

Hunches in Bunches Dr. Seuss 2.9 0.5

I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today Dr. Seuss 2.9 0.5

I Have to Go! Robert N. Munsch 2.9 0.5

If the Dinosaurs Came Back Bernard Most 2.9 0.5

Jamie, the Junkyard Artist (MH Edition) Stef Donev 2.9 0.5

Julian, Dream Doctor Ann Cameron 2.9 1

Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I Mean It! Barbara Park 2.9 1

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business Barbara Park 2.9 1

Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying Barbara Park 2.9 1

Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime Barbara Park 2.9 1

Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Barbara Park 2.9 1

Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket Barbara Park 2.9 1

Katy and the Big Snow Virginia Lee Burton 2.9 0.5

The Knight at Dawn Mary Pope Osborne 2.9 1

Like Jake and Me Mavis Jukes 2.9 0.5

A Lion to Guard Us Clyde Robert Bulla 2.9 2

The Little Red Hen Paul Galdone 2.9 0.5

The Little Red Lighthouse...Bridge Hildegarde Hoyt Swift 2.9 0.5

Lizzy's Lion Dennis Lee 2.9 0.5

Lucky Dog Days Judy Delton 2.9 1

Mad Summer Night's Dream Ruth Brown 2.9 0.5

The Monsters of Marble Avenue Linda Gondosch 2.9 1

Moonbear's Bargain Frank Asch 2.9 0.5

More Stories Julian Tells Ann Cameron 2.9 1

Nate the Great and the Missing Key Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.9 0.5

Nate the Great and the Musical Note Marjorie/Craig Sharmat 2.9 0.5

Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 2.9 0.5

Over the Green Hills Rachel Isadora 2.9 0.5

Pinky and Rex Get Married James Howe 2.9 0.5

Plant Blossoms (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.9 0.5

Plant Stems & Roots (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 2.9 0.5

Quack, Quack! (MH Edition) Matthew Pittaluga 2.9 0.5

Sam's Worries Maryann Macdonald 2.9 0.5

Sam the Minuteman Nathaniel Benchley 2.9 0.5

Screws (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 2.9 0.5

Small Wolf Nathaniel Benchley 2.9 0.5

Sounds All Around Wendy Pfeffer 2.9 0.5

The Starry Night Neil Waldman 2.9 0.5

Swimmy (MH Edition) Leo Lionni 2.9 0.5

Tosca's Surprise Matthew Sturgis 2.9 0.5

The Upstairs Room Johanna Reiss 2.9 6

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle 2.9 0.5

What! Cried Granny Kate Lum 2.9 0.5

Wheels and Axles (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 2.9 0.5

Who Put the Pepper in the Pot? Joanna Cole 2.9 0.5

You Can't Smell a Flower with Your Ear! Joanna Cole 2.9 0.5

You Can't Smell a Flower with Your Ear! (MH Edition) Joanna Cole 2.9 0.5

Young Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery David A. Adler 2.9 0.5

Zak's Lunch Margie Palatini 2.9 0.5

100th Day Worries Margery Cuyler 3 0.5

Amazing Rescues George Shea 3 0.5

Baseball Pals Matt Christopher 3 1

The Bathwater Gang Jerry Spinelli 3 1

Berlioz the Bear Jan Brett 3 0.5

The Big Buck Adventure Gill/Tobola 3 0.5

The Biggest Snowball Ever! John Rogan 3 0.5

A Case for Jenny Archer Ellen Conford 3 1

The Clever Jackal (MH Edition) Christine Lasky 3 0.5

Cookies and Crutches Judy Delton 3 1

The Curse of the Cobweb Queen Geoffrey Hayes 3 0.5

The Curse of the Squirrel Laurence Yep 3 1

Daddy and Me Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe 3 0.5

The Day Before Christmas Eve Bunting 3 0.5

Dog for a Day Dick Gackenbach 3 0.5

Don't You Know There's a War On? James Stevenson 3 0.5

Dragon Parade (MH Edition) Matthew Pittaluga 3 0.5

The Drinking Gourd F.N. Monjo 3 0.5

Five-Dog Night Eileen Christelow 3 0.5

A Friend for Growl Bear Margot Austin 3 0.5

Full of Hot Air Gary Paulsen 3 0.5

Galimoto Karen Lynn Williams 3 0.5

Ghost Town at Sundown Mary Pope Osborne 3 1

The Growing-up Feet Beverly Cleary 3 0.5

Harold and the Purple Crayon Crockett Johnson 3 0.5

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss 3 0.5

Julius Angela Johnson 3 0.5

Julius, The Baby of the World Kevin Henkes 3 0.5

Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band Barbara Park 3 1

Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Barbara Park 3 1

Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Barbara Park 3 1

Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Barbara Park 3 1

Lions at Lunchtime Mary Pope Osborne 3 1

Little Bunny's Sleepless Night Carol Roth 3 0.5

Me First Helen Lester 3 0.5

Mike's Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3 2

Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Harry Allard 3 0.5

Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee Alice Faye Duncan 3 0.5

Molly's Pilgrim Barbara Cohen 3 0.5

Mouse Tales Arnold Lobel 3 0.5

Pa Lia's First Day Michelle Edwards 3 0.5

The Phantom Tollbooth (MH Edition) Norton Juster 3 1

A Pig Tale Newton-John/Hurst 3 0.5

The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy Jane Thayer 3 0.5

The Raising of Jairus' Daughter Gloria A. Truitt 3 0.5

Recording the Past (MH Edition) Michael Burgan 3 0.5

Reptiles Lois Ballard 3 0.5

The Roundup at Rio Ranch (MH Edition) Angela Shelf Madearis 3 0.5

Ruthie Rides the Trolley (MH Edition) Madeleine Keyes 3 0.5

S.O.R. Losers (MH Edition) Avi 3 0.5

The Salamander Room Anne Mazer 3 0.5

Save Our Park Trees (MH Edition) Barbara Adams 3 0.5

Scaredy Cat Joan Rankin 3 0.5

The Secret of the Super Sinker (MH Edition) Dan Piparo 3 0.5

Someday a Tree Eve Bunting 3 0.5

A Special Day for James (MH Edition) Stephanie Sims 3 0.5

The Star Maiden Barbara Juster Esbensen 3 0.5

Sunset of the Sabertooth Mary Pope Osborne 3 1

The Tale of the Blue Monkey Stine/Winfrey 3 2

There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Glove Bernard Lodge 3 0.5

Tigers at Twilight Mary Pope Osborne 3 1

The Titanic: Lost...and Found Judy Donnelly 3 0.5

The Treasure of the Lost Lagoon Geoffrey Hayes 3 0.5

The Treasure Uri Shulevitz 3 0.5

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs Jon Scieszka 3 0.5

Ty's One-man Band Mildred Pitts Walter 3 0.5

The Visitors' Club (MH Edition) Judith Lechner 3 0.5

Weather Experiments Vera R. Webster 3 0.5

Wedges (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 3 0.5

The Whales' Song Dyan Sheldon 3 0.5

The White Stallion Elizabeth Shub 3 0.5

The Wise Woman and Her Secret Eve Merriam 3 0.5

Abraham, Sarah and the Promised Son Robert E. Mitchell 3.1 0.5

Animal Cafe John Stadler 3.1 0.5

Animal Skin & Scales (Look Once Look Again) David M. Schwartz 3.1 0.5

Arthur's Funny Money Lillian Hoban 3.1 0.5

Arthur's Pen Pal Lillian Hoban 3.1 0.5

The B. Bears and the Double Dare Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.1 0.5

Baby Animals Illa Podendorf 3.1 0.5

Blue Skies, French Fries Judy Delton 3.1 1

The Boonsville Bombers Alison Cragin Herzig 3.1 1

Bus Route to Boston Maryann Cocca-Leffler 3.1 0.5

Camp Ghost-Away Judy Delton 3.1 1

Caps for Sale Esphyr Slobodkina 3.1 0.5

Chocolate-Covered Ants Stephen Manes 3.1 3

Dance the Flamenco (MH Edition) Elaine Epstein 3.1 0.5

Dolphins at Daybreak Mary Pope Osborne 3.1 1

The Easter Women Carol Greene 3.1 0.5

Ed and Me David McPhail 3.1 0.5

Edward's Eyes Patricia MacLachlan 3.1 2

Emma's Rug Allen Say 3.1 0.5

Estelle and the Self-Esteem Machine Jo Bannatyne-Cugnet 3.1 0.5

Freckle Juice Judy Blume 3.1 0.5

Frederick Leo Lionni 3.1 0.5

Gerbil Pets and Other Small Rodents Ray Broekel 3.1 0.5

Grumpy Pumpkins Judy Delton 3.1 1

Happy Birthday to You! Dr. Seuss 3.1 0.5

Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion Suzy Kline 3.1 1

Horton Hatches the Egg Dr. Seuss 3.1 0.5

Howie Bowles, Secret Agent Kate Banks 3.1 1

Iktomi and the Buzzard Paul Goble 3.1 0.5

Iktomi and the Coyote Paul Goble 3.1 0.5

Jenny Archer to the Rescue Ellen Conford 3.1 1

A Job For Jenny Archer Ellen Conford 3.1 1

Julian's Glorious Summer Ann Cameron 3.1 1

Julian, Secret Agent Ann Cameron 3.1 1

Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants Barbara Park 3.1 1

Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked Barbara Park 3.1 1

Kids' Clubs That Helped the World (MH Edition) Jennifer Vesely 3.1 0.5

Let's Go Home, Little Bear Martin Waddell 3.1 0.5

Lila on the Landing Sue Alexander 3.1 1

Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Kevin Henkes 3.1 0.5

The Lorax Dr. Seuss 3.1 0.5

Madeline Ludwig Bemelmans 3.1 0.5

Martha Speaks Susan Meddaugh 3.1 0.5

Matthew's Dream Leo Lionni 3.1 0.5

Moving Mama to Town Ronder Thomas Young 3.1 7

Mrs. Katz and Tush Patricia Polacco 3.1 0.5

Mustard Charlotte Graeber 3.1 1

My Mama Says There Aren't Any Zombies, Ghosts, VamJpuirdeitsh.. .Viorst 3.1 0.5

Nettie Jo's Friends Patricia C. McKissack 3.1 0.5

Nine-in-One Grr! Grr! (MH Edition) Blia Xiong 3.1 0.5

Nosey Mrs. Rat Jeffrey Allen 3.1 0.5

Open Wide, Don't Bite! (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.1 0.5

The Pain and the Great One Judy Blume 3.1 0.5

A Pee Wee Christmas Judy Delton 3.1 1

Peeping Beauty Mary Jane Auch 3.1 0.5

Petunia Roger Duvoisin 3.1 0.5

Philip and the Ethiopian Martha Jander 3.1 0.5

Phoebe and the Spelling Bee (MH Edition) Barney Saltzberg 3.1 0.5

A Picnic in October Eve Bunting 3.1 0.5

The Princess and the Baby Janice Kramer 3.1 0.5

Pteranodon (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.1 0.5

Pulleys (Understanding Simple Machines) Anne Welsbacher 3.1 0.5

Samuel and the Wake-Up Call Jane Fryar 3.1 0.5

Science Experiments Vera R. Webster 3.1 0.5

Seasons Illa Podendorf 3.1 0.5

The Secret Julie Mitchell 3.1 0.5

Show and Tell Stephanie Greene 3.1 1

Sophie and Lou Petra Mathers 3.1 0.5

Stegosaurus (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.1 0.5

Sukey Johnson Builds a House (MH Edition) Jessica Clerk 3.1 0.5

Those Terrible Toy-Breakers David McPhail 3.1 0.5

Tonight on the Titanic Mary Pope Osborne 3.1 1

Tooth-Gnasher Superflash Daniel Pinkwater 3.1 0.5

Trouble with Trolls Jan Brett 3.1 0.5

Tundra Mouse Megan McDonald 3.1 0.5

Tut's Mummy: Lost ... and Found Judy Donnelly 3.1 0.5

The Two Bullies Junko Morimoto 3.1 0.5

Uncovered! Weird, Weird Stories Paul Jennings 3.1 4

Up North in Winter Deborah Hartley 3.1 0.5

A Voice for Her People (MH Edition) Flora Foss 3.1 0.5

Whale Brother Barbara Steiner 3.1 0.5

Why Lizard Stretches His Neck (MH Edition) Janet Cassidy 3.1 0.5

The Wonder Ball (MH Edition) Jenna Dzefko 3.1 0.5

Worksong Gary Paulsen 3.1 0.5

Worlds Within Our World (MH Edition) Lorraine Sintetos 3.1 0.5

Zacchaeus Loyal Kolbrek 3.1 0.5

Airplanes David Petersen 3.2 0.5

Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Kathleen Krull 3.2 1

Aliens for Breakfast Jonathan Etra 3.2 1

Ant Cities Arthur Dorros 3.2 0.5

Apatosaurus (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.2 0.5

Arthur Meets the President Marc Brown 3.2 0.5

At the Museum (MH Edition) Larry Berg 3.2 0.5

Automobiles Sylvia Wilkinson 3.2 0.5

The B. Bears and the Bad Dream Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.2 0.5

The B. Bears Go to School Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.2 0.5

The B. Bears Go to the Doctor Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.2 0.5

Bad Bad Bunnies Judy Delton 3.2 1

The Bald Bandit Ron Roy 3.2 1

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Dr. Seuss 3.2 0.5

The Baseball Star Fred Arrigg 3.2 0.5

Basket Moon Mary Lyn Ray 3.2 0.5

Bicycle Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.2 2

The Biggest Dinosaurs Michael Berenstain 3.2 0.5

Buster Gets Braces Jane Breskin Zalben 3.2 0.5

Caboose Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.2 2

Cam Jansen...Mystery...Stolen Diamonds David A. Adler 3.2 1

Christmas at Long Pond William George 3.2 0.5

Clarice Bean, That's Me Lauren Child 3.2 0.5

Delivery Trucks (Transportation Library) Adele D. Richardson 3.2 0.5

Dingoes at Dinnertime Mary Pope Osborne 3.2 1

Dinosaurs Mary Lou Clark 3.2 0.5

Dream Wolf (MH Edition) Paul Goble 3.2 0.5

Fireflies! Julie Brinckloe 3.2 0.5

Flossie and the Fox Patricia McKissack 3.2 0.5

Freight Trains (Transportation Library) Adele D. Richardson 3.2 0.5

The Frog Prince Continued Jon Scieszka 3.2 0.5

The Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper Loreen Leedy 3.2 0.5

Gorillas Patricia Demuth 3.2 0.5

Heckedy Peg Audrey Wood 3.2 0.5

Horrible Harry in Room 2B Suzy Kline 3.2 0.5

I Like Computers: What Can I Be? Muriel L. Dubois 3.2 0.5

I Was a Sixth-Grade Zombie Stine/Hoffman 3.2 3

It's New! It's Improved! It's Terrible! Stephen Manes 3.2 2

Janet's Thingamajigs Beverly Cleary 3.2 0.5

Jesus' First Miracle Vivian Dede 3.2 0.5

Key to the Treasure Peggy Parish 3.2 2

Liang and the Magic Paintbrush Demi 3.2 0.5

Life on the Great Barrier Reef (MH Edition) Caitlin Brooks 3.2 0.5

The Lighthouse Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.2 2

Listen for the Rattle! (MH Edition) Piparo/Jensen 3.2 0.5

The Lucky Baseball Bat Matt Christopher 3.2 1

Madeline in London Ludwig Bemelmans 3.2 0.5

Madeline's Christmas Ludwig Bemelmans 3.2 0.5

Madeline's Rescue Ludwig Bemelmans 3.2 0.5

Magical Illusions: Simple Tricks You Can Do! (MH EditionM)ichael Teitelbaum 3.2 0.5

The Man Caught by a Fish M.M. Brem 3.2 0.5

May's Whale (MH Edition) Karen Edwards 3.2 0.5

My Visit to the Dinosaurs Aliki 3.2 0.5

Night Animal, Day Animal (MH Edition) Judith Lechner 3.2 0.5

Once a Mouse... Marcia Brown 3.2 0.5

Owl Moon Jane Yolen 3.2 0.5

Peanut-Butter Pilgrims Judy Delton 3.2 1

Pecos Bill: A Tall Tale (MH Edition) Angela Shelf Medearis 3.2 0.5

The Pee Wee Jubilee Judy Delton 3.2 1

Playing Your Best (MH Edition) Barbara Adams 3.2 0.5

Pompeii: A Doomed City (MH Edition) Rona Putterman 3.2 0.5

The Principal's New Clothes Stephanie Calmenson 3.2 0.5

Pure Power! (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.2 0.5

The Real Hole Beverly Cleary 3.2 0.5

The Robbery at The Diamond Dog Diner Eileen Christelow 3.2 0.5

The Saltaire Voice (MH Edition) H.H. Cardigan 3.2 0.5

Sing Me a Death Song Jay Bennett 3.2 3

Snot Stew Bill Wallace 3.2 2

Storm in the Night Mary Stolz 3.2 0.5

Strange Neighbors Mary Labatt 3.2 2

Summer Ron Hirschi 3.2 0.5

That Mushy Stuff Judy Delton 3.2 1

A Three Hat Day Laura Geringer 3.2 0.5

Three Men in the Fiery Furnace Teresa Olive 3.2 0.5

Through Grandpa's Eyes Patricia MacLachlan 3.2 0.5

Triceratops (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.2 0.5

Twister on Tuesday Mary Pope Osborne 3.2 1

Two Dog Biscuits Beverly Cleary 3.2 0.5

The Underground City (MH Edition) Lauren Ray Pollard 3.2 0.5

What's Cooking, Jenny Archer? Ellen Conford 3.2 1

When Africa Was Home Karen Lynn Williams 3.2 0.5

The World's Plants Are in Danger (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.2 0.5

The Yellow House Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.2 3

You Hold Me and I'll Hold You Jo Carson 3.2 0.5

Zinnia and Dot Lisa Campbell Ernst 3.2 0.5

The 24-Hour Genie Lila McGinnis 3.3 1

The Adventures of Ratman Ellen Weiss 3.3 1

Alan and Naomi Myron Levoy 3.3 5

Alistair's Time Machine Marilyn Sadler 3.3 0.5

And Still the Turtle Watched Sheila MacGill-Callahan 3.3 0.5

Anna Is Still Here Ida Vos 3.3 4

Baseball Ray Broekel 3.3 0.5

Ben Franklin Alive! Meet Bill Meikle (MH Edition) Samantha Bloomfield 3.3 0.5

Best and Dearest Chick of All Bob Barton 3.3 0.5

The Biggest Pest on Eighth Avenue Laurie Lawlor 3.3 0.5

Bookworm's Band (MH Edition) Susan Hood 3.3 0.5

Buffalo Before Breakfast Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Caleb God's Special Spy Robert Baden 3.3 0.5

The Camp-Out Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.3 2

Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? Martin Waddell 3.3 0.5

The Chicken Sisters Laura Numeroff 3.3 0.5

Chrysanthemum Kevin Henkes 3.3 0.5

A City Horse (MH Edition) Anna Cicero 3.3 0.5

The Coming of the Holy Spirit Robert Baden 3.3 0.5

Conservation Richard Gates 3.3 0.5

Dakota Dugout Ann Turner 3.3 0.5

The Dancing Man Ruth Lercher Bornstein 3.3 0.5

Day of the Dragon King Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

The Dead Bird Margaret Wise Brown 3.3 0.5

The Dog That Called the Pitch Matt Christopher 3.3 0.5

The Dog Who Had Kittens Polly Robertus 3.3 0.5

Dogs Elsa Posell 3.3 0.5

Earthquake in the Early Morning Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Emeline at the Circus Marjorie Priceman 3.3 0.5

The Falcon's Feathers Ron Roy 3.3 1

First Food: A South American Folktale (MH Edition) Gale Justin 3.3 0.5

Football Ray Broekel 3.3 0.5

The Fourth Floor...Skyscraper Parade David A. Adler 3.3 1

A Friend Like That Alfred Slote 3.3 4

Fudge-A-Mania Judy Blume 3.3 3

George the Drummer Boy Nathaniel Benchley 3.3 0.5

The Ghost in Tent 19 Jim/Jane O'Connor 3.3 1

Good Morning, Gorillas Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

The Goose's Gold Ron Roy 3.3 1

Horrible Harry and the Green Slime Suzy Kline 3.3 1

Horton Hears a Who! Dr. Seuss 3.3 0.5

Hour of the Olympics Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

I Have a Sister - My Sister Is Deaf Jeanne Whitehouse Peterson 3.3 0.5

Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem Constance Head 3.3 0.5

Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days Megan McDonald 3.3 2

Kate Shelley & the Midnight Express Margaret Wetterer 3.3 0.5

Liliana's Grandmothers Leyla Torres 3.3 0.5

The Littles John Peterson 3.3 1

The Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum Cole/Beech 3.3 0.5

Make-Believe Ball Player Alfred Slote 3.3 2

Mary and the Mystery Dog Wolfram Hanel 3.3 0.5

Max Malone (MH Edition) Charlotte Herman 3.3 0.5

A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: What Is a Noun? Brian P. Cleary 3.3 0.5

The Missing Violin (MH Edition) Sue Lantz Goldhaber 3.3 0.5

The More, the Merrier Anne Mazer 3.3 2

Mystery Ranch Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.3 2

Night Tree Eve Bunting 3.3 0.5

Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss 3.3 0.5

The Old Mill Margaret Wise Brown 3.3 0.5

On Her Own Donna Jo Napoli 3.3 1

Once There Was a Tree Natalia Romanova 3.3 0.5

One Leap Forward Donna Jo Napoli 3.3 1

Owen Foote, Second Grade Strongman Stephanie Greene 3.3 1

Patrick's Dinosaurs Carol Carrick 3.3 0.5

Peppe the Lamplighter Elisa Bartone 3.3 0.5

Perfect the Pig Susan Jeschke 3.3 0.5

Pioneer Cat William Hooks 3.3 1

Polar Bears Past Bedtime Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Rabbit Ears Alfred Slote 3.3 2

Sarah, Plain and Tall (MH Edition) Patricia MacLachlan 3.3 0.5

Scarecrow Cynthia Rylant 3.3 0.5

Schoolhouse Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.3 3

The Secret Lives of Cats and Dogs (MH Edition) Jenna Dzefko 3.3 0.5

Sequoyah (MH Edition) Elaine Epstein 3.3 0.5

Sidewalk Story Sharon Bell Mathis 3.3 1

Sideways Stories from Wayside School Louis Sachar 3.3 3

Slime Time Jim/Jane O'Connor 3.3 1

Something from Nothing Phoebe Gilman 3.3 0.5

The Son Who Said He Wouldn't Louise Ulmer 3.3 0.5

Song Lee and the "I Hate You" Notes Suzy Kline 3.3 0.5

Stage Fright on a Summer Night Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Stone Soup Marcia Brown 3.3 0.5

Stormy Weather (MH Edition) Dona Smith 3.3 0.5

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Judy Blume 3.3 3

The Ten-Speed Babysitter Alison Cragin Herzig 3.3 4

Thanksgiving on Thursday Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

There's No Such Thing as a Dragon Jack Kent 3.3 0.5

Three Wishes Lucille Clifton 3.3 0.5

Tom Tomie DePaola 3.3 0.5

The Toothpaste Millionaire (MH Edition) Susan Nanus 3.3 1

The Tortoise and the Hare Janet Stevens 3.3 0.5

Touchdown for Tommy Matt Christopher 3.3 2

The Trading Game Alfred Slote 3.3 5

Tree House Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.3 2

Twenty Ways to Lose Your Best Friend Marilyn Singer 3.3 2

Vacation Under the Volcano Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Viking Ships at Sunrise Mary Pope Osborne 3.3 1

Web Wonders (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.3 0.5

What's the Matter with Herbie Jones? Suzy Kline 3.3 2

What the Moon Is Like Franklyn M. Branley 3.3 0.5

When Joel Comes Home Susi Fowler 3.3 0.5

When the Frost Is on the Punkin James Riley 3.3 0.5

When Uncle Took the Fiddle Libba Moore Gray 3.3 0.5

Wild, Wild Wolves Joyce Milton 3.3 0.5

Will Fox Ever Learn? (MH Edition) Manny Chiang 3.3 0.5

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Dr. Seuss 3.3 0.5

Zoo Gail Gibbons 3.3 0.5

The Absent Author Ron Roy 3.4 1

Airports David Petersen 3.4 0.5

Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Judith Viorst 3.4 0.5

All-Time Great World Series Andrew Gutelle 3.4 0.5

The B. Bears and the Bully Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.4 0.5

The B. Bears and the Sitter Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.4 0.5

The B. Bears' New Baby Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.4 0.5

The B. Bears' New Neighbors Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.4 0.5

A Baby Sister for Frances Russell Hoban 3.4 0.5

Barn Dance Bill Martin 3.4 0.5

Baseball and Butterflies Karen Lynn Williams 3.4 1

Best Friends Steven Kellogg 3.4 0.5

Best Friends for Frances Russell Hoban 3.4 0.5

Beware the Dragons! Sarah Wilson 3.4 0.5

Bread and Jam for Frances Russell Hoban 3.4 0.5

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Flight 54 David A. Adler 3.4 1

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog David A. Adler 3.4 1

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O. David A. Adler 3.4 1

Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery David A. Adler 3.4 1

Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries: A SuperD Sapveidc iaAl. Adler 3.4 2

Cam Jansen...Catnapping Mystery David A. Adler 3.4 1

The Canary Caper Ron Roy 3.4 1

Cargo Ships (Transportation Library) Adele D. Richardson 3.4 0.5

Carmen's E-Mail (MH Edition) Alejandro Segovia 3.4 0.5

A Chair for My Mother Vera B. Williams 3.4 0.5

Chester's Way Kevin Henkes 3.4 0.5

Chester the Out-of-Work Dog Marilyn Singer 3.4 0.5

The Chinese Mirror Mirra Ginsburg 3.4 0.5

Civil War on Sunday Mary Pope Osborne 3.4 1

Clues in the Woods Peggy Parish 3.4 2

Comic Relief (MH Edition) Katherine Gleason 3.4 0.5

Crictor Tomi Ungerer 3.4 0.5

The Deadly Dungeon Ron Roy 3.4 1

Dear Juno Soyung Pak 3.4 0.5

Dory Story Jerry Pallotta 3.4 0.5

Doubting Thomas Yvonne Patterson 3.4 0.5

Dumpling Soup Jama Kim Rattigan 3.4 0.5

Eating Ice Cream with a Werewolf Phyllis Green 3.4 2

Franklin Goes to the Hospital Bourgeois/Jennings 3.4 0.5

Hail to Mail Samuel Marshak 3.4 0.5

Hannah and the Seven Dresses Marthe Jocelyn 3.4 0.5

The Haunted Hotel Ron Roy 3.4 1

Henry's Baby Mary Hoffman 3.4 0.5

Herbie Jones and the Class Gift Suzy Kline 3.4 1

High Tide in Hawaii Mary Pope Osborne 3.4 1

Houseboat Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.4 3

How the Narwhal Got Its Tusk (MH Edition) Alejandro Segovia 3.4 0.5

I Love You the Purplest Barbara M. Joosse 3.4 0.5

If You Hopped Like a Frog David M. Schwartz 3.4 0.5

It's Not the End of the World Judy Blume 3.4 4

Jill and the Corn Stalk (MH Edition) Jim Mindnich 3.4 0.5

The Kidnapped King Ron Roy 3.4 1

The Little Boat That Almost Sank Mary Warren 3.4 0.5

The Little Mermaid Deborah Hautzig 3.4 0.5

Little Polar Bear Hans de Beer 3.4 0.5

Love You Forever Robert N. Munsch 3.4 0.5

Love You, Soldier Amy Hest 3.4 1

Make a Wish, Molly Barbara Cohen 3.4 1

Manu and the Talking Fish Roberta Arenson 3.4 0.5

Mind's Eye Paul Fleischman 3.4 2

Molly Pitcher: Young Patriot Augusta Stevenson 3.4 3

A Morning to Polish and Keep Julie Lawson 3.4 0.5

Moses Goes to a Concert (MH Edition) Isaac Millman 3.4 0.5

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs Tomie DePaola 3.4 0.5

The Ninth Inning (MH Edition) Patricia Lakin 3.4 0.5

Oceans Katharine Jones Carter 3.4 0.5

Officer Buckle and Gloria Peggy Rathmann 3.4 0.5

Officer Buckle and Gloria (MH Edition) Peggy Rathmann 3.4 0.5

Ole Blue Dave Sargent 3.4 0.5

A Package for Miss Marshwater Elfie Donnelly 3.4 1

Postcards from Mari Vic (MH Edition) Janet Cassidy 3.4 0.5

The Princess and the Pea Hans Christian Andersen 3.4 0.5

Princess Pooh (MH Edition) Kathleen M. Muldoon 3.4 0.5

The Purple Coat Amy Hest 3.4 0.5

Red Sails to Capri Ann Weil 3.4 4

Riding Proud (MH Edition) Mary Kaiser Donev 3.4 0.5

Samson Kolbrek/Larson 3.4 0.5

Sarah, Plain and Tall Patricia MacLachlan 3.4 1

Save the Sea Turtles! (MH Edition) Nellie Dooham 3.4 0.5

Secret Pal Surprises Suzanne Williams 3.4 1

The Seeing Eye (MH Edition) Emily North 3.4 0.5

Seven Kisses in a Row Patricia MacLachlan 3.4 1

Sky Babies Judy Delton 3.4 1

Snakes Are Hunters Patricia Lauber 3.4 0.5

The Sneetches and Other Stories Dr. Seuss 3.4 0.5

Snowbound Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.4 3

Sound Experiments Ray Broekel 3.4 0.5

Spiders Illa Podendorf 3.4 0.5

Stars for Sarah Ann Turner 3.4 0.5

Stay Away from the Junkyard Tricia Tusa 3.4 0.5

Stephen, The First Martyr Connie Hodges 3.4 0.5

The Stony Creek Bandit (MH Edition) Susan Blackaby 3.4 0.5

The Stories Julian Tells Ann Cameron 3.4 1

Superfudge Judy Blume 3.4 4

Tar Beach Faith Ringgold 3.4 0.5

There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Louis Sachar 3.4 5

Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Dr. Seuss 3.4 0.5

Three Brave Women C.L.G. Martin 3.4 0.5

The Three Brothers Carolyn Croll 3.4 0.5

Today I'm Going Fishing with My Dad N.L. Sharp 3.4 0.5

Trash Bash Judy Delton 3.4 1

Tyrannosaurus Rex (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.4 0.5

Wayside School Is Falling Down Louis Sachar 3.4 4

Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak 3.4 0.5

Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko 3.5 7

Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Kathleen Krull 3.5 1

Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me ? I Mean It!) GoJinugd iTtho VMioorvset 3.5 0.5

Amazing Grace Mary Hoffman 3.5 0.5

Anansi and Turtle Share Dinner (MH Edition) Della Rowland 3.5 0.5

Angel and Me and the Bayside Bombers Mary Jane Auch 3.5 1

The B. Bears and the Trouble with Friends Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.5 0.5

Babe Ruth: One of Baseball's Greatest Guernsey VanRiper 3.5 3

Baby Jesus Is Born Gloria Truitt 3.5 0.5

Baby Whale's Journey Jonathan London 3.5 0.5

Back Home Gloria Jean Pinkney 3.5 0.5

Beethoven: The Man and His Music (MH Edition) Robin Doak 3.5 0.5

The Bells of Christmas Virginia Hamilton 3.5 1

The Best-Laid Plans of Jonah Twist Natalie Honeycutt 3.5 3

The Bremen Town Musicians (MH Edition) Brothers Grimm 3.5 0.5

California Facts and Symbols Emily McAuliffe 3.5 0.5

Canoe Days Gary Paulsen 3.5 0.5

Circle of Fire Stine/Haley 3.5 4

City Green (MH Edition) DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan 3.5 0.5

Colorado Facts and Symbols Emily McAuliffe 3.5 0.5

Corduroy Don Freeman 3.5 0.5

Crazy Jack Donna Jo Napoli 3.5 4

Dance Away George Shannon 3.5 0.5

Detective Tricks You Can Do Judith Conaway 3.5 0.5

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Dr. Seuss 3.5 0.5

The Empty Envelope Ron Roy 3.5 1

Everything New Under the Sun Anne Mazer 3.5 2

Fernando's Gift (MH Edition) Douglas Keister 3.5 0.5

Finding Buck McHenry Alfred Slote 3.5 6

Fire! Fire! Gail Gibbons 3.5 0.5

Flight Robert Burleigh 3.5 0.5

Florida Facts and Symbols Emily McAuliffe 3.5 0.5

Good Night, Maman Norma Fox Mazer 3.5 4

Good Things Come in Small Packages Anne Mazer 3.5 2

The Great Baseball Card Hunt Daniel A. Greenburg 3.5 3

Happy Birthday, Molly! Valerie Tripp 3.5 1

Herbie Jones Suzy Kline 3.5 2

How to Eat Fried Worms Thomas Rockwell 3.5 2

I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers Lilian Moore 3.5 1

Iggie's House Judy Blume 3.5 3

Impy for Always Jackie French Koller 3.5 1

Indians Teri Martini 3.5 0.5

The Island of the Skog Steven Kellogg 3.5 0.5

The Jaguar's Jewel Ron Roy 3.5 1

Japan Karen Jacobsen 3.5 0.5

The Journey Back Johanna Reiss 3.5 6

Judy Moody Was in a Mood. Not a Good Mood. A Bad MMooedg.an McDonald 3.5 1

Keep Ms. Sugarman in the Fourth Grade Elizabeth Levy 3.5 2

Kidnapping Kevin Kowalski Mary Jane Auch 3.5 3

Koko's Kitten Francine Patterson 3.5 0.5

Ladybugs and Beetles (Looking at Minibeasts) Sally Morgan 3.5 0.5

The Last Little Duckling Fiona Kennedy 3.5 0.5

Leah's Pony (MH Edition) Elizabeth Friedrich 3.5 0.5

The Legend of Red Horse Cavern Gary Paulsen 3.5 1

The Little Engine That Could Watty Piper 3.5 0.5

Little Lefty Matt Christopher 3.5 2

Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story Ed Young 3.5 0.5

Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story (MH Edition) Ed Young 3.5 0.5

Long Stretch at First Base Matt Christopher 3.5 2

Luke Was There Eleanor Clymer 3.5 2

The Man Who Carried the Cross for Jesus Constance Head 3.5 0.5

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch Trinka Noble 3.5 0.5

Millions of Cats Wanda Ga'g 3.5 0.5

Monsters Russell Hoban 3.5 0.5

Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree Robert Barry 3.5 0.5

Muslim Mosque Angela Wood 3.5 0.5

Mystery Behind the Wall Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.5 2

The Mystery Girl Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.5 2

A New Coat for Anna Harriet Ziefert 3.5 0.5

Noah and the Space Ark Laura Cecil 3.5 0.5

One Fine Day Nonny Hogrogian 3.5 0.5

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Judy Blume 3.5 4

The Panda Puzzle Ron Roy 3.5 1

Papa Lucky's Shadow Niki Daly 3.5 0.5

Pee Wees on Parade Judy Delton 3.5 1

Penguin Pete Marcus Pfister 3.5 0.5

Pinky and Rex Go to Camp James Howe 3.5 0.5

Potlatch for Kwiskwis (MH Edition) H.H. Cardigan 3.5 0.5

Prehistoric Monsters Did the Strangest Things Leonora Hornblow 3.5 1

Rescue at Sea! Wolfram Hanel 3.5 0.5

Revolutionary War on Wednesday Mary Pope Osborne 3.5 1

Rich Mitch Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 3.5 2

Rocks and Minerals Illa Podendorf 3.5 0.5

Rosy Noses, Freezing Toes Judy Delton 3.5 1

Run Fast, Fly Far (MH Edition) Beth Terrill 3.5 0.5

Ruthie's Gift Kimberly Brubaker Bradley 3.5 3

Saving the Everglades (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.5 0.5

Sonny's Secret Judy Delton 3.5 1

Stage Fright Ann M. Martin 3.5 3

Striped Ice Cream Joan Lexau 3.5 2

There's a Girl in My Hammerlock Jerry Spinelli 3.5 5

Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe Vera B. Williams 3.5 0.5

Thunder Cake Patricia Polacco 3.5 0.5

Tricks and Treats Judy Delton 3.5 1

The Unwilling Umpire Ron Roy 3.5 1

The Vampire's Vacation Ron Roy 3.5 1

Velociraptor (Discovering Dinosaurs) Daniel Cohen 3.5 0.5

The Walls Came Tumbling Down Dave Hill 3.5 0.5

The War between the Vowels and the Consonants Priscilla Turner 3.5 0.5

The Way to Start a Day Byrd Baylor 3.5 0.5

When Bluebell Sang Lisa Campbell Ernst 3.5 0.5

Where are the Night Animals? Mary Ann Fraser 3.5 0.5

Who Put That Hair in My Toothbrush? Jerry Spinelli 3.5 7

A Wilderness Passover Kathleen Cook Waldron 3.5 0.5

Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge Mem Fox 3.5 0.5

The Wright Brothers Learn to Fly (MH Edition) Jennifer Julius 3.5 0.5

Yanni Rubbish Shulamith L. Oppenheim 3.5 0.5

The Zoom Lens Mystery (MH Edition) Richard Brightfield 3.5 0.5

Amigo Byrd Baylor 3.6 0.5

And to Think That I...Mulberry Street Dr. Seuss 3.6 0.5

Are You There God? It's Me Margaret Judy Blume 3.6 4

The B. Bears and the Truth Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

The B. Bears and Too Much Birthday Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

The B. Bears Get the Gimmies Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

The B. Bears Gotta Dance! Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 1

The B. Bears Learn About Strangers Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

The B. Bears' Trouble with Pets Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

The B. Bears Visit the Dentist Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.6 0.5

Babar Learns to Cook Laurent de Brunhoff 3.6 0.5

Betsy's Little Star Carolyn Haywood 3.6 2

The Biggest, Best Snowman Margery Cuyler 3.6 0.5

Blackberries in the Dark Mavis Jukes 3.6 1

Blow Me a Kiss, Miss Lilly Nancy Carlstrom 3.6 0.5

Borrowed Children George Ella Lyon 3.6 4

The Boy and the Water Buffalo (MH Edition) Robin Doak 3.6 0.5

Bus Station Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.6 2

Cam Jansen...Birthday Mystery David A. Adler 3.6 1

Camp Murphy Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKenna3.6 4

Chickens Aren't the Only Ones Ruth Heller 3.6 0.5

The Christmas Crocodile Bonny Becker 3.6 0.5

The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Down Paul Brett Johnson 3.6 0.5

Crash Jerry Spinelli 3.6 4

Dakota Spring Dorothy Anne Love 3.6 2

Dear Katie, The Volcano Is a Girl Jean Craighead George 3.6 0.5

Digging Up Dinosaurs Aliki 3.6 0.5

Doctor De Soto William Steig 3.6 0.5

Don't Rent My Room! Judie Angell 3.6 5

Double Fudge Judy Blume 3.6 5

Eggs Jerry Spinelli 3.6 4

The Elephants' Ears Catherine Chambers 3.6 0.5

Elisabeth Claire A. Nivola 3.6 0.5

Everyone Always Complains about the Weather (MH EdiTtirounm) an Vega 3.6 0.5

Fast Friends Lisa Horstman 3.6 0.5

Felita Nicholasa Mohr 3.6 2

Fill It Up! Gail Gibbons 3.6 0.5

Fossils Tell of Long Ago (MH Edition) Aliki 3.6 0.5

The Funny Little Woman Arlene Mosel 3.6 0.5

The Gift Kristine L. Franklin 3.6 0.5

Grandfather's Journey Allen Say 3.6 0.5

Grandfather's Journey (MH Edition) Allen Say 3.6 0.5

Grasshopper Summer Ann Turner 3.6 4

Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Mary Pope Osborne 3.6 1

Have You Seen Hyacinth Macaw? Patricia Reilly Giff 3.6 3

Hawk, I'm Your Brother Byrd Baylor 3.6 0.5

Hide and Seek Ida Vos 3.6 4

Hot-Air Henry Mary Calhoun 3.6 0.5

I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew Dr. Seuss 3.6 0.5

The Invisible Island Ron Roy 3.6 1

Jason and the Argonauts (MH Edition) H.H. Cardigan 3.6 0.5

Jenny Archer, Author Ellen Conford 3.6 1

Juliet Fisher and the Foolproof Plan Natalie Honeycutt 3.6 3

Just a Dream Chris Van Allsburg 3.6 0.5

Just a Dream (MH Edition) Chris VanAllsburg 3.6 0.5

Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World (MH Edition) Mildred Pitts Walter 3.6 0.5

Kevin Corbett Eats Flies Patricia Hermes 3.6 5

Kidnap Kids Todd Strasser 3.6 4

Kristy's Great Idea Ann M. Martin 3.6 4

Little House Friends Wilder/Henson 3.6 1

The Little Island Golden MacDonald 3.6 0.5

The Littles Take a Trip John Peterson 3.6 2

Madeline and the Bad Hat Ludwig Bemelmans 3.6 0.5

The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth Joanna Cole 3.6 0.5

Making the Team Dean Hughes 3.6 2

Man out at First Matt Christopher 3.6 1

The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin (MH Edition) Aliki 3.6 0.5

McElligot's Pool Dr. Seuss 3.6 0.5

Mirandy and Brother Wind Patricia McKissack 3.6 0.5

Mirette on the High Wire Emily McCully 3.6 0.5

Miss Tizzy Libba Moore Gray 3.6 0.5

Molly for Mayor Judy Delton 3.6 2

Molly's Surprise Valerie Tripp 3.6 1

Mountain Top Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.6 2

My Little Island Frane Lessac 3.6 0.5

My Robot Buddy Alfred Slote 3.6 1

Nettie's Trip South Ann Turner 3.6 0.5

Nobodies & Somebodies Doris Orgel 3.6 4

The Orange Outlaw Ron Roy 3.6 1

Orp and the Chop Suey Burgers Suzy Kline 3.6 2

The Paper Crane Molly Bang 3.6 0.5

Paul's Journeys Loyal Kolbrek 3.6 0.5

The Post Office Book Gail Gibbons 3.6 0.5

Pressure Play Dean Hughes 3.6 1

Rip Van Winkle (MH Edition) Adele Thane 3.6 1

Robots Carol Greene 3.6 0.5

The Runaway Racehorse Ron Roy 3.6 1

Ruth and Naomi Anne Jennings 3.6 0.5

S.O.R. Losers Avi 3.6 2

Sam, Bangs & Moonshine Evaline Ness 3.6 0.5

Santa's Book of Names David McPhail 3.6 0.5

Soap! Soap! Don't Forget the Soap! Tom Birdseye 3.6 0.5

The Song of the Christmas Mouse Shirley Murphy 3.6 1

The Sun, the Wind and the Rain (MH Edition) Lisa Westberg Peters 3.6 0.5

Talk about a Family Eloise Greenfield 3.6 1

Tiki Doll of Doom Betsy Haynes 3.6 3

Twisted Trails (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.6 0.5

Until Whatever Martha Humphreys 3.6 4

When I Was Young in the Mountains Cynthia Rylant 3.6 0.5

The White Wolf Ron Roy 3.6 1

Who Stole the Wizard of Oz? Avi 3.6 2

William's Doll Charlotte Zolotow 3.6 0.5

Winning Streak Dean Hughes 3.6 1

After the Rain Norma Fox Mazer 3.7 8

Alexander and the...Very Bad Day Judith Viorst 3.7 0.5

Aliens for Lunch Jonathan Etra 3.7 1

All Joseph Wanted Ruth Yaffe Radin 3.7 2

All That Jazz (MH Edition) Daphne Morgan 3.7 0.5

All the Money in the World Bill Brittain 3.7 4

Animal Fact/Animal Fable (MH Edition) Seymour Simon 3.7 0.5

Animals of Sea and Shore Illa Podendorf 3.7 0.5

Annie Oakley: Young Markswoman Ellen Wilson 3.7 3

The B. Bears Accept No Substitutes Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.7 1

The B. Bears and the Red-Handed Thief Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.7 1

The B. Bears Get in a Fight Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.7 0.5

The B. Bears' Moving Day Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.7 0.5

The B. Bears: No Girls Allowed Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.7 0.5

Back to School with Betsy Carolyn Haywood 3.7 2

Barbara Becomes a Big Sister (MH Edition) Ellie Mae Hudson 3.7 0.5

Bear John Schoenherr 3.7 0.5

The Best Is Yet to Come Anne Mazer 3.7 2

Betsy and the Boys Carolyn Haywood 3.7 3

Betsy's Busy Summer Carolyn Haywood 3.7 3

Big Base Hit Dean Hughes 3.7 1

Billy and Blaze C.W. Anderson 3.7 0.5

Bird Boy Elizabeth Starr Hill 3.7 1

The Black Snowman Phil Mendez 3.7 0.5

Blue-Faced Blues (MH Edition) Patricia Lakin 3.7 0.5

The Boy of the Three-Year Nap Dianne Snyder 3.7 0.5

Buried Treasure (MH Edition) Michael Burgan 3.7 0.5

Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery David A. Adler 3.7 1

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins David A. Adler 3.7 1

Cam Jansen...Mystery...Monkey House David A. Adler 3.7 1

Captive! Gary Paulsen 3.7 1

Catcher with a Glass Arm Matt Christopher 3.7 2

Changes for Molly Valerie Tripp 3.7 1

Chicken Sunday Patricia Polacco 3.7 0.5

Christmas in Camelot Mary Pope Osborne 3.7 2

The Cloud Book Tomie DePaola 3.7 0.5

The Clown of God Tomie DePaola 3.7 0.5

Cousins Virginia Hamilton 3.7 4

Dandelion Don Freeman 3.7 0.5

Danger on Midnight River Gary Paulsen 3.7 1

Death's Door: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Betsy Byars 3.7 3

Deserted Library Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.7 2

Different Dragons Jean Little 3.7 3

The Dog That Pitched a No-Hitter Matt Christopher 3.7 0.5

Earthquakes Helen J. Challand 3.7 0.5

Eddie's Green Thumb Carolyn Haywood 3.7 3

England (Countries of the World) Kathleen W. Deady 3.7 0.5

Eve of the Emperor Penguin Mary Pope Osborne 3.7 2

Fish Is Fish Leo Lionni 3.7 0.5

Fudge Charlotte Graeber 3.7 3

George Washington: Young Leader Augusta Stevenson 3.7 3

Giant Foam Sea Creatures (MH Edition) Brad Bains 3.7 0.5

Gluskabe and the Snow Bird (MH Edition) Joseph Bruchac 3.7 0.5

The Great Summer Camp Catastrophe Jean VanLeeuwen 3.7 5

The Grizzly Sisters Cathy Bellows 3.7 0.5

Hang Tough, Paul Mather Alfred Slote 3.7 5

Happy Birthday, Samantha! Valerie Tripp 3.7 1

Hard Times on the Prairie Wilder/Peterson 3.7 1

Hello, Mallory Ann M. Martin 3.7 3

Hook 'Em, Snotty! Gary Paulsen 3.7 1

How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge Miriam Chaikin 3.7 1

Humphrey the Lost Whale Wendy Tokuda 3.7 0.5

I, Amber Brown Paula Danziger 3.7 2

I'm Going to Be Famous Tom Birdseye 3.7 4

I Should Worry, I Should Care Miriam Chaikin 3.7 3

An Irish Hallowe'en Sarah Kirwan Blazek 3.7 0.5

It's All Greek to Me Jon Scieszka 3.7 1

The King's Oranges (MH Edition) Caitlin Brooks 3.7 0.5

Kirsten Saves the Day Janet Shaw 3.7 1

The Little Painter of Sabana Grande (MH Edition) Patricia Maloney Markun 3.7 0.5

The Little Rabbit Judy Dunn 3.7 0.5

Look Before You Leap! Anne Mazer 3.7 3

The Magic Fan Keith Baker 3.7 0.5

The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks Joanna Cole 3.7 0.5

The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System Joanna Cole 3.7 0.5

Mary Anne and the Search for Tigger Ann M. Martin 3.7 4

Mary Anne Saves the Day Ann M. Martin 3.7 4

Me, My Goat, and My Sister's Wedding Stella Pevsner 3.7 6

Mei Ping and the Silver Shoes (MH Edition) Margaret Wade 3.7 0.5

Mexico Karen Jacobsen 3.7 0.5

Middle School Blues Lou Kassem 3.7 5

Molly Learns a Lesson Valerie Tripp 3.7 1

Molly Saves the Day Valerie Tripp 3.7 1

Monster Mama Liz Rosenberg 3.7 0.5

Mop Top Don Freeman 3.7 0.5

The Mud Pony Caron Lee Cohen 3.7 0.5

My Name is Nura (MH Edition) Anne M. Castagliola 3.7 0.5

Mystery in the Sand Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.7 3

The Mystery of Drear House Virginia Hamilton 3.7 6

Nine Sense (MH Edition) Suzanne Weyn 3.7 0.5

The Ninth Nugget Ron Roy 3.7 1

Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade Barthe DeClements 3.7 4

O'Diddy Jocelyn Stevenson 3.7 1

Oh Honestly, Angela! Nancy Robinson 3.7 2

The Patchwork Quilt (MH Edition) Valerie Flournoy 3.7 0.5

The Patchwork Quilt Valerie Flournoy 3.7 0.5

A Pocket For Corduroy Don Freeman 3.7 0.5

The Queen Who Saved Her People Carol Greene 3.7 0.5

The Quicksand Question Ron Roy 3.7 1

Rodomonte's Revenge Gary Paulsen 3.7 1

Roots in the Outfield Jane Zirpoli 3.7 4

Rosa's New Home (MH Edition) Soledad delBosque 3.7 0.5

Sami and the Time of the Troubles Heide/Gilliland 3.7 0.5

Sarah's Unicorn Bruce/Katherine Coville 3.7 0.5

The School Skeleton Ron Roy 3.7 1

Scorpions Walter Dean Myers 3.7 6

The Secret Life of the Underwear Champ Betty Miles 3.7 2

Shannon: A Chinatown Adventure Kathleen V. Kudlinski 3.7 1

Sharing Susan Eve Bunting 3.7 3

Sixth Grade Secrets Louis Sachar 3.7 5

Snowbound with Betsy Carolyn Haywood 3.7 3

The Story of Ferdinand Munro Leaf 3.7 0.5

Super Duper Pee Wee! Judy Delton 3.7 2

Susan B. Anthony: Champion of Women's Rights Helen Albee Monsell 3.7 3

The Temptation of Jesus Mervin A. Marquardt 3.7 0.5

A Terminal Case of the Uglies Betsy Haynes 3.7 2

The Thousand-Year-Old Game (MH Edition) Dan Piparo 3.7 0.5

Totally Disgusting! Bill Wallace 3.7 2

Tuesday in Arizona Marian Harris 3.7 0.5

Wilbur's Boast (MH Edition) E.B. White 3.7 0.5

The Wing Shop Elvira Woodruff 3.7 0.5

The Winter Worm Business Patricia Reilly Giff 3.7 4

The Wreck of the Zephyr (MH Edition) Chris VanAllsburg 3.7 0.5

The Wreck of the Zephyr Chris VanAllsburg 3.7 0.5

Young Authors' Day at Pokeweed Public School John Bianchi 3.7 0.5

Aborigines of the Australian Outback (MH Edition) Robin Doak 3.8 0.5

Adam and His Family Robert Baden 3.8 0.5

After the Dancing Days Margaret I. Rostkowski 3.8 8

Al Capone Shines My Shoes Gennifer Choldenko 3.8 9

The All New Jonah Twist Natalie Honeycutt 3.8 3

The Amusement Park Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.8 2

Appelemando's Dreams Patricia Polacco 3.8 0.5

Arizona Facts and Symbols Emily McAuliffe 3.8 0.5

Astronauts Carol Greene 3.8 0.5

The B. Bears and the New Girl in Town Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 1

The B. Bears and the Week at Grandma's Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 0.5

The B. Bears and the Wheelchair Commando Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 1

The B. Bears and Too Much TV Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 0.5

The B. Bears and Too Much Vacation Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 0.5

The B. Bears Get Stage Fright Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 0.5

The B. Bears in the Dark Stan/Jan Berenstain 3.8 0.5

The Backward Bird Dog Bill Wallace 3.8 3

Barry: The Bravest Saint Bernard Lynn Hall 3.8 1

Benny Uncovers a Mystery Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.8 2

The Best Vacation Ever (MH Edition) Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith 3.8 0.5

Betsy and the Circus Carolyn Haywood 3.8 3

Betsy Ross: Designer of Our Flag Ann Weil 3.8 3

The Bicycle Man Allen Say 3.8 0.5

Big Al Andrew Clements 3.8 0.5

Blubber Judy Blume 3.8 4

Boundless Grace Mary Hoffman 3.8 0.5

The Boy Who Came Back to Life Roberta Parseghian 3.8 0.5

Bubba the Cowboy Prince Helen Ketteman 3.8 0.5

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones David A. Adler 3.8 1

Cassie Bowen Takes Witch Lessons Anna Hines 3.8 4

Challenge at Second Base Matt Christopher 3.8 2

Claudia and Mean Janine Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

The Computer Nut Betsy Byars 3.8 3

Crazy Lady! Jane Leslie Conly 3.8 5

Dark Day in the Deep Sea Mary Pope Osborne 3.8 2

Dawn's Big Date Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

The Day God Made It Rain Loyal Kolbrek 3.8 0.5

Dead Letter: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Betsy Byars 3.8 3

Deadline! Gail Gibbons 3.8 0.5

Dinosaurs Lived Here (MH Edition) Rona Putterman 3.8 0.5

Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Louis Sachar 3.8 5

Eddie and Gardenia Carolyn Haywood 3.8 3

Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like Jay Williams 3.8 0.5

Flip Wesley Dennis 3.8 0.5

George Washington and the American Revolution (MH EBdeitciokny) Gold 3.8 0.5

The Ghost at Dawn's House Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

The Giant Jam Sandwich John Lord 3.8 0.5

A Girl Called Al Constance Greene 3.8 3

The Girl Death Left Behind Lurlene McDaniel 3.8 4

Give Us a Great Big Smile, Rosy Cole Sheila Greenwald 3.8 1

Gold Fever! Catherine McMorrow 3.8 0.5

The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy Jon Scieszka 3.8 1

The Great Kapok Tree Lynne Cherry 3.8 0.5

The Hatmaker's Sign: A Story by Benjamin Franklin (MHC Eadnitdioanc)e Fleming 3.8 0.5

The Haunting of Grade Three Grace Maccarone 3.8 1

Hindu Mandir Angela Wood 3.8 0.5

The Hit-Away Kid Matt Christopher 3.8 1

Honduran White Bats Jill C. Wheeler 3.8 0.5

The House on Maple Street Bonnie Pryor 3.8 0.5

Isabelle Shows Her Stuff Constance C. Greene 3.8 4

Island Baby Holly Keller 3.8 0.5

Jewish Synagogue Angela Wood 3.8 0.5

Journey Patricia MacLachlan 3.8 2

Knights of the Kitchen Table Jon Scieszka 3.8 1

Logan Likes Mary Anne Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

Louis Braille Margaret Davidson 3.8 2

The Lucky Lottery Ron Roy 3.8 1

Madeline and the Gypsies Ludwig Bemelmans 3.8 0.5

The Magic School Bus Gets a Bright Idea Joanna Cole 3.8 0.5

Magic School Bus in the Time of Dinosaurs Joanna Cole 3.8 0.5

Mary Anne's Makeover Ann M. Martin 3.8 3

Maxie, Rosie and Earl - Partners in Grime Barbara Park 3.8 2

Meet Kirsten Janet Shaw 3.8 1

Meet Samantha Susan Adler 3.8 1

Miss Rumphius Barbara Cooney 3.8 0.5

Monday with a Mad Genius Mary Pope Osborne 3.8 2

The Mystery of the Hidden Painting Gertrude Chandler Warner 3.8 2

Nadia's Hands Karen English 3.8 0.5

The Not-So-Jolly Roger Jon Scieszka 3.8 1

Nothing But Net Dean Hughes 3.8 2

Old Turtle Douglas Wood 3.8 0.5

The Paper Bag Princess Robert N. Munsch 3.8 0.5

The Pinballs Betsy Byars 3.8 3

The Pistachio Prescription Paula Danziger 3.8 5

Point Guard Dean Hughes 3.8 2

The Polar Express Chris VanAllsburg 3.8 0.5

Pollyanna (Great Illustrated Classics) Porter/Leighton 3.8 2

Prehistoric Pinkerton Steven Kellogg 3.8 0.5

Project: A Perfect World Gary Paulsen 3.8 1

Rabbit Spring Tilde Michels 3.8 1

Red Ribbon Rosie Jean Marzollo 3.8 1

Rin Tin Tin: Top Dog in the Movies (MH Edition) Geof Smith 3.8 0.5

The Rock Jockeys Gary Paulsen 3.8 1

Rosy's Romance Sheila Greenwald 3.8 1

Roy Raccoon Dave/Pat Sargent 3.8 0.5

Samantha Saves the Day Valerie Tripp 3.8 1

Say Goodnight, Gracie Julie Reece Deaver 3.8 6

Sending a Message with Dots and Dashes (MH Edition) Emily North 3.8 0.5

Simon's Book Henrick Drescher 3.8 0.5

Sister Eloise Greenfield 3.8 2

The Skeleton inside You Philip Balestrino 3.8 0.5

Skydive! Gary Paulsen 3.8 1

Song of the Trees Mildred D. Taylor 3.8 1

Spring Training Mark Freeman 3.8 4

The Spy on Third Base Matt Christopher 3.8 1

Stay Away from Simon! Carol Carrick 3.8 1

The Story of Jumping Mouse John Steptoe 3.8 0.5

Summer of the Sea Serpent Mary Pope Osborne 3.8 1

Superstar Team Dean Hughes 3.8 2

Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Deborah Hopkinson 3.8 0.5

Sweet Strawberries Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 3.8 0.5

Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Virginia Hamilton 3.8 8

The Tale of Gilbert Alexander Pig Gael Cresp 3.8 0.5

The Talking T. Rex Ron Roy 3.8 1

There's a Bat in Bunk Five Paula Danziger 3.8 4

Three Against the Tide D. Anne Love 3.8 5

Time Out Helen Cresswell 3.8 2

Trouble for Lucy Carla Stevens 3.8 1

The Truth About Stacey Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

Uncle Jed's Barbershop Margaree King Mitchell 3.8 0.5

Up North at the Cabin Marsha Chall 3.8 0.5

Upside-Down Cake Carol Carrick 3.8 1

Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots Dadey/Jones 3.8 1

Volcanoes Franklyn M. Branley 3.8 0.5

Whales and Other Sea Mammals Elsa Posell 3.8 0.5

What a Catch! Dean Hughes 3.8 2

Winter of the Ice Wizard Mary Pope Osborne 3.8 2

The X'ed-Out X-Ray Ron Roy 3.8 1

Yours Turly, Shirley Ann M. Martin 3.8 4

The Zombie Zone Ron Roy 3.8 1