Monday, January 25, 2010

Becker Bunch News 1/23/10

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

January 22, 2010

Spelling- art, bark, car, shark, smart, yard Challenge word: because

Story of the week:Yasmin’s Ducks
We are still working on looking for patterns in words to help us decode words. We will also work on thinking about what word looks right and makes sense in a sentence- this will help us with tricky words. We will be working on this for quite a while!

Author Study: Leo Lionni
We are still working on sentence fluency- what makes a sentence a sentence. The children are expected to write in complete sentences when they are writing. A complete sentence starts with a capital, ends with punctuation, makes sense, and has a who, what, and when/where/how/why. This week, we will focus on using adjectives to make our sentences more interesting.

Math-Reading a schedule and making time estimates.Math test on Monday, February 1.

Religion We will still be learning about the Sacraments. Religion test on Thursday, January 28. A study guide and the religion book will come home on Monday. Religion books MUST be returned to school each day.

Science- We will begin a unit on the weather.

Things of Note:
Please send in items for our school to send to troops who are stationed overseas.

We will have a $3.00 tag day to benefit the victims of the earthquake in Haiti on Wednesday, January 27. Please send $3.00 in a Ziploc bag.

Reading Review due on Friday.

100th day of school on Monday, January 25!! Children wear their hats!

Please pray for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti; and, for the men and women who will be providing disaster support to the country of Haiti.