Monday, April 18, 2011

Becker Bunch news 4-15-11

“A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22
April 15, 2011
Spelling-born, cork, for, fort, lord,north, porch, short, storm, torn

Story of the week:Shrinking Mouse
Please practice reading each night at home. This will help your child’s progress. We are working hard on comprehension and strategies to use on unknown words.

Writing-We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching.We will work on a book we are making called “My Country Book” .

Math- We are working on telling time to the hour and half hour.

Religion-We are learning about the Sacrament of Baptism and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Science- We will learn why soil is important, and we will practice for our American Heritage Program. A copy of your child’s part will come home on Monday.

Things of Note:

My class has gone to the preview party for selling the most raffle tickets for the past two years. We want to go again- will you help us?

There will not be school on Friday, April 22, in honor of Good Friday. We will also be out of school on Monday, April 25, in honor of Easter Monday.

This week is Holy Week. It is one of the most important times in our Church. Here is a list of mass times:
Palm Sunday: April 17- regular mass times
Holy Thursday: April 21- 6:00 pm English; 8:00 pm Spanish
Good Friday: April 22- veneration of the cross- 3:00 pm English; 5:30 pm Spanish
Holy Saturday: April 23- 8:00 pm (English in church, Spanish in chapel)
Easter Sunday- 7:30 am, 10:00 am in English; 12:00 in Spanish. No Life Teen mass on Easter Sunday.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Becker Bunch News 3-18-11

“For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.” Psalm 100:5

March 17, 2011

Spelling- clerk, fern, her, jerk, nerve,perch, stern, term, verse, swerve

Reading Story of the week:Ring! Ring! Put out the fire!
Please practice reading each night at home. This will help your child’s progress. We are working hard on comprehension and strategies to use on unknown words.

Writing- We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching.
When we come back from spring break, we will be doing a lot of practice for the Stan 10 testing that will begin on April 6. More info will come home after the break.

Math- We will continue working with money. We will add quarters and half dollars to the mix. We will work on trading pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Religion- We will finish our book about the Stations of the Cross. IC church will have Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 6:00 pm in the Church. There will be a Lenten meal following stations in the Parish center.

Science- We will be learning about the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets.

Things of Note:

I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing spring break!

I enjoyed visiting with each of you at conferences. Thank you for all you do!

We had a wonderful trip to the Outback today! Lots of fun was had by all!
Coming up:

March 19-27: Spring Break!
March 30: Lenten tag day- bring $3.00 to donate to the victims of the earthquake in Japan and get a free dress day!
March 30: Spirit Night at Pizza Warehouse! 4:00- close- mention that you are with IC school and the school will get 10% of your bill.
April 1- Grandparents day

I will send home a reading review when we return from Spring Break.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Becker Bunch News 3-4-11

“Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Ephesians 3:13

March 4, 2011

Spelling- art, arm, bark, car, hard, park,shark, smart, star, yard

Reading- Story of the week: Johnny Appleseed
Please practice reading each night at home. This will help your child’s progress. We are working hard on comprehension and strategies to use on unknown words.

Writing- We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching.
We are going to have some fun with books this week, and create stories from children’s books.

Math-We will work on counting groups of coins- pennies, nickels, and dimes. PLEASE practice this skill at home. It is very difficult for the children to get the hang of.
I sent home your child’s ixl login information. Please make sure your child is only working on 1st grade skills on their account.

Religion- We will learn about Lent.

Social Studies- This week, we will learn about working in factories. We will have a chapter test over Unit 6 on Wednesday, March 9. The end of the third quarter is Thursday, March 10.

Things of Note:

Times for parent teacher conferences will be sent home in the Tuesday folder next week. If you are ABSOLUTELY unable to keep your appointment, you should contact the office to make changes. Please remember that I am required to meet face to face with each parent and I have 23 conferences to do in a limited amount of time; therefore, the conference will only last 10 minutes. If you need to meet for a longer period of time, please email me to schedule a separate conference. Thank you for your help!
Coming up:
March 8: Mardi Gras treat day $1.00 in a Ziploc bag
March 9: Ash Wednesday- Mass at 10:00
March 11: No School (teachers in Little Rock)
March 15 and 17: Parent Teacher Conferences
March 18: School in session, dismissal at 1:30
March 19-27: Spring Break!

NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MARCH 11. The teachers will be in Little Rock for professional development.

PLEASE HELP: Please remember to send ice cream money in a Ziploc bag or an envelope with your child’s name on it. It is hard to sort out who loose change and cash belong to. Thanks!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Becker Bunch News 2-18-11

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12

February 18, 2011

Spelling-cute, huge, mute, use, cube,flute, prune, rule, tune, rude

Reading-Story of the week:Yasmin’s Ducks
Please practice reading each night at home. This will help your child’s progress. We are working hard on comprehension and strategies to use on unknown words.

Writing- We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching. We are still working on writing complete sentences, using capital letters and periods, writing in longer sentences, and being sure our story makes sense.

Math-We will learn about thirds and identifying parts of a group.

Religion- Religion test on Tuesday, February 22.Our Virtus Touching Safety lessons will be taught next week.

Social Studies- This week, we will learn about Cesar Chavez, volunteers, and buyers and sellers.

Things of Note:

Sell those spaghetti dinner tickets!!!! The deadline for money and ticket orders is February 24.

Our Christian service project for the month of February benefits the Donald W. Reynolds Cancer Support House. Please send in one pack of nutritional drinks with your child. This is a very worthy project, as many cancer patients cannot keep food down as they are receiving treatment. Thank you for participating in this Christian Service Project.

TAG DAY: Wednesday, February 23. Cost is $3.00. The money raised will go to the Spaghetti Dinner to help offset costs. (and to keep the parents from having to send in items for the dinner)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Becker Bunch News 2-11-11

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

February 11, 2011

Spelling- shine, slide, smile, strike, white,write, bike, dime, five, like
We will have a practice test on Thursdays and a retake for the ones that need it on Fridays. Next week will be the last week for a practice test.

Reading Story of the week:The Shopping List
We are still working on reading fluently and accurately.
We are also still working on using parts of known words and using known parts, as well as spelling patterns, to help us during reading. This is where I look for transfer knowledge from spelling.

Writing- We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching.
This week, we will still be working on writing longer sentences to include how, when, and where.

Math- We will learn about halves and fourths this week.

Religion- We will learn how we share God’s love with others
Social Studies-We will be learning about President’s Day

Things of Note:

Even though the weather is predicted to be more spring-like this next week, please continue sending your child with their coat/jacket. We will be taking advantage of the beautiful weather and going outside for morning and lunch recess. Sometimes it is not very warm at our morning recess.

Sell those spaghetti dinner tickets!!!!

Don’t forget:
We will have our class Valentine’s day party on Monday, February 14, 2011 from 2:15-3:00. Our homeroom moms need 4-6 volunteers. Please let Zoe Smith, Leigh Norton, or myself know if you are able to help.

Valentine boxes should come in on Monday, February 14.

Monday, February 14, is PAJAMA day!! Pajamas must still meet dress requirements (no spaghetti straps, short shorts, etc). Please do not wear house shoes or slippers. We have PE on Monday.

Father Eddie has been assigned to his own Parish, well 3 parishes. This weekend will be his last weekend with IC. After each mass this weekend, there will be a reception for Father Eddie. Please drop in to wish Father Eddie good luck and to thank him for his service to IC.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Becker Bunch News 2-4-11

“Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you,which you have confessed so well before witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

February 4, 2011

Spelling-close, drove, globe, home, note, spoke, stole, those, vote, wrote
We will have a practice test on Thursdays and a retake for the ones that need it on Fridays.

Reading- Story of the week: The Shopping List. We are still working on reading fluently and accurately.
We are also still working on using parts of known words and using known parts, as well as spelling patterns, to help us during reading. This is where I look for transfer knowledge from spelling.

Writing-We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching. This week, we will be working on writing longer sentences to include how, when, and where.

Math- We will have a math test over Chapter 11 on Tuesday, February 7. We will then start a unit on fractions.

Religion- We will learn how we share God’s love with others.
Social Studies We will start a new unit called “The Marketplace”. We will learn about goods and services, jobs, etc.

Things of Note:

Military Care Packages: Our class should bring in one package of men’s gym socks. Thank you for supporting our troops! We have extended this into this next week.

River Valley Life Teen is selling chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day. 6 strawberries for $7.00; a baker’s dozen for $13.00. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll send you a flyer. PLEASE support our youth program!

Please send in change with your child to fill our classroom baby bottle to benefit Heart to Heart Pregnancy Support Center.

We will have our class Valentine’s day party on Monday, February 14, 2011 from 2:15-3:00. Our homeroom moms need 4-6 volunteers. Please let Zoe Smith, Leigh Norton, or myself know if you are able to help.

Please be sure to read the note in the folder today about our Valentine challenge!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Becker Bunch News 1-28-11

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

January 28, 2011

close, drove, globe, home, note, spoke,
stole, those, vote, wrote
We will have a practice test on Thursdays and a retake for the ones that need it on Fridays.

Story of the week:
Let’s Camp Out
We are still working on reading fluently and accurately.
We are also still working on using parts of known words and using known parts, as well as spelling patterns, to help us during reading. This is where I look for transfer knowledge from spelling.

We are reading from the New Testament. We are learning about Jesus’ life as he began teaching.
We will still focus on how to write in complete sentences. (capital letter at beginning, spaces, noun, verb, makes sense, tells the entire thought, punctuation at the end) We will also work on using details in our stories.

We are still working on comparing numbers. (greater than, less than, equal to) Math Test on Thursday, Feb 3.

We are learning how our Parish works to help many people. Religion test on Tuesday, Feb 1

Social Studies
We will have a Social Studies test on Monday, January 31.

Things of Note:
We will start taking AR tests this week. Please look at the schedule that was in Tuesday folders for your child’s assigned day.

Military Care Packages: Our class should bring in one package of men’s gym socks. Thank you for supporting our troops!

Please send in change with your child to fill our classroom baby bottle to benefit Heart to Heart Pregnancy Support Center.